Mixed Emotions

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"Jessica, are you alright?" Egon shook her attempting to get her attention. Yet her eyes remained locked on Venkman.

"Why do you treat me unfairly?" Jessica growled at Venkman, I need to shake her out of it. So I grab a nearby bottle and sprinkle its content on water all over her face. That makes her able to return to her normal expression and she looked around the room in confusion, "What? What did I do?"

I give out a sigh of relief, and place the empty water bottle into the bin beside the bed. I then perched myself on the side of her bed and ran a soft towel over her hair and started scrubbing. I could hear her giggle slightly, I wanted her to know she had her best friend back and for always that I'll take the privilege to be her best friend for life.

"Jessica, are you sure you're okay?" I questioned her, placing my hand on her forehead in order to check her temperature.

"I'm fine, just exhausted after recent events. I know that I made you all worry, and whatever I said and did I'm truly sorry for what I did. I just can't control it anymore." Jessica responded, and I wrapped my arms around her to reassure her that everything was under control and that she didn't need to worry any longer.


Jessica's POV

Finally, I've been discharged from the hospital that same day. I don't know what's become of me! One minute I'm feeling totally fine, then the next moment I feel myself full of anger. I know that this is an effect that Damon has left on me, and I don't like this one bit. I knew that I had to persuade Egon to let me join in on the action and be apart of something I joined the company for in the first place. This was unfair, so I know that by talking to Egon, he could persuade Venkman to buy us a uniform and make us a stable proton pack to join in with the team. It was time I stand my ground. Yet, I felt like if I did, I would just get shut down to the point where I'm no longer respected by anyone. Egon took me back to my apartment that night. After the incident that occurred at his, I couldn't stand being there knowing something was out there to haunt me for my trouble that I have caused everyone.

I placed my coat over the edge of the coach and walked into the kitchen to fix myself a cold drink. Egon followed shortly after taking car of the dirty dishes that had remained in my sink for weeks. I could help but let a smile overcome my face as he would do anything to do me safe, which sort of sounds creepy at first unless you get to know him well enough.

"It's not like you to clean." I smirked at him.

"I've tried my best to keep your apartment clean top to bottom. You don't mind?"

"Not at all." I chuckled "it's rather.... adoring."

"There's something I've been meaning to mention to you."

"And? What's that?"

"Our relationship has been going on for so long, correct?"

"Yes? Egon just get to the point."

"Say, let's get married."



Oh god it's been so long! I had stopped writing this chapter and the last time it was updated was April 18th or something!

Again I'm sorry it's so short, got exams and everything. I PROMISE I will make the chapters more longer!!

Bai and Enjoy! :3

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