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Nicos  POV

They are dead.....  all dead.  During the war with gaea, we lost more than we saved. I remember....  watching...  as my friends were killed one by one. 

I remember running,  running to try and push Piper out the way of a falling boulder.  I remember not being fast enough and seeing her crushed inches away from my feet,  her blood splattered all down my front.

I remember Percy and Annabeth hugging eachother as Gaeas monsters tore them apart.

I remember Franks limp body being tossed around by giants as Jason was stamped into the ground.  I rememeber leos lungs being crushed as he drowned in a mountain of sand. I Remeber Hazel... 

I wasn't even looking at Festus when the bronze dragon caused the explosion that killed  Gaea.  No,  I was looking at my half sisters burnt body as she screamed for the pain to stop.  She died moments later in my arms... When we won. 

It's been a year...  an entire year,  I still wake up wishing for them to come back seeing there terrified faces every time I close my eyes.  But at least I have someone to take care of me. 

"Nico!  Rise and shine death boy!"

I awoke to see a tanned freckle covered boy,  with the goofiest  grin and shiny blonde locks  staring down at me.

"Fine!  I'm up solace. " I said smiling as he helped me out of bed. I put on my black t shirt some jeans and got ready to head to breakfast with my boyfriend.

I caught will staring at me. 
"What?? " I asked nervously
"Do I  have something on my face?  "
Will grinned and leaned in to kiss me in the cheek "only this. "

I gave a little laugh and took his hand to go sit at the Apollo table for breakfast.  It was a usual morning with the campers,  Or what was left of them after the war, we all decided to sit at one big table,  because we were quite a small group now,  and we thought it would be better to sit together. 

"So... " Will said buttering his toast. "Still having nightmares? "

I nodded and popped a single bit of bread into my mouth  to eat. Will frowned.

"I hope that's not all your going to eat death boy... "

I flushed.  "No...  I will...  I promise I just... "
I really don't want to eat,  but I don't want him to hate me...  oh God what if he hates me,  what if he... 

I felt his arms warp around me as he squished his face into my chest.

"You looked so scared Nico!  No need to be frightened.  We are working on it!  Together! "

Wills smiling face beamed up at me and I immediately felt at ease.  God I loved this boy.  I leant in to give him a kiss when I heard a cough noise behind me. 

I turned to see a tanned girl with dark braided hair,  wearing a purple top and some gladiator armour.  She had a tattoo on her arm with the letters SPQR,  and two big guzzling dogs at her side. 
"REYNA!!! " I shouted leaping up to give her a hug,  I felt her wrap her arms around me tightly.
"Nico!  Well some one is happy to see me! "
I smiled
"Well do course I am!  I miss you everyday your not here! " at this she laughed and pulled me into a tighter hug. 
"Well I'm here now. Have you been taking care of yourself? "

I pulled a face "nope. "
Reyna raised and eyebrow at me. Then I laughed "but Will has!" Reyna smiled and pulled me in for a tighter hug. Since Bianca and Hazel my two sister died,  Reyna had felt a need to be there for me.  She always watches over me,  and although we are not realted,  she is pretty much the third sister I never had.

Will came up behind us smiling at my happy face.
"Hello Reyna what brings you here? "
Reynas face darkened. 
"Well don't be mad...  but we just received a prophecy... "

I stepped back from Reyna pulling away from her. 

"What?  No!  For who?? "
I knew that Rachel had gone to Camp Jupiter to help out with the re construction of their damaged home.  Never had it occured to me that she would have sprouted another prophecy while there.
"I want to speak to Rachel!! "
I declared.

Reyna shook her head softly.
"Nico  I know the last thing you Want right now is another prophecy but trust me on this... we need to do this quest.  We can stop a future war before we lose so much again....  we can get allies for future wars so we have back up next time we are attacked by a deadly force."

She had a point.  But so many questions were going through my head right now.  We???  I guessed I would be going as I'm the only child of the big three (who isn't a hunter)  still alive.  But we???  Reyna,  me and....? And who were these "potential allies " I've never heard of before.

"Lets just hear the prophecy first? " will suggested,  putting a hand on my tense shoulder.  I instantly felt calmer and leaned back a little into his arms. Reyna inhaled and began

" Three shall go to wizards castle

  And mix with mortals of magic

  Find ways to prevent the             
oncoming war 

  And the results won't be so                      tragic

The trio of dark,  Sun, and war

Shall protect the trio of gold

And Hecate will cast a spell
To prevent them from getting old"

Will laughed " I've never heard a rhyme as stupid as that before. "
How could he laugh right now?
We just got a prophecy! 
"That's what your worried about? " Reyna said voicing my thoughts,  " It literally just said me,  Nico and you have to to a castel and make friends with wizards!!! I bet they don't even exist! "

"Actaully...  daughter of Bellona they do exist. " we all turned shocked towards the source of the voice.  A pale lady with eyes that reflected the galaxy stood behind us. She had what appeared to be three sticks in her hands.  Reyna stumbled back.

"L....  lady Hecate!!!  I'm so sorry...  I didn't mean to offend you I..  I just! "

Hecate smiled and dismissed Reyna with her free hand.
"Its is fine Young one.  I at least know you have heard the prophecy,  I'm here to give you a little more briefing.  "
We all nodded and gathered around.  I sighed.  Now I really couldn't say  no to this quest...  at least Will and Reyna will be with me.

" Hogwarts castel is actaully a school for my descendants and blessed mortals.  However they are unaware of Greek gods,  including me.  So you will have to keep your heritage a secret. A wizard named Tom riddle...  or...  ahem,   voldemort is causing some problems for my wizard world,  and after escaping death,  is planning to kill the only boy to have survived his killing curse.  Harry potter.
He is part of the golden trio,  so you will protect him?  Okay?  Keeping your identity secret applies to all teachers except the headmaster,  so you will have to do lessons.  Questions?? "

Will groaned at the mention if lessons,  and me and Reyna gave eachother a look.  No one said anything.  Hecate beamed.

"Excellent!!  You shall need these then! " she said handing us the three sticks in her hand.  Reynas stick was gold and silver with swirls down the side.  Wills stick was a light grey and slightly bent. My stick was black,  probably stygion iron...  what were these for?

" Uhh lady Hecate?  " I asked "why do we have one chopstick?"
Hecate looked mildy offended by this comment.
"Small child of Hades,  these are wands! My wizards and witches use them to do spells,  spells proabably won't affect you as much because if your heritage...  but you shoukd be able to do magic with ease! "

I looked to Reyna who was examining her "wand" with wonder. 
"Your bags have already been packed for you.  Now you will be there for three years because your in the fifth year now-" Hecate was cut off by Will exclaiming "THREE YEARS!?! "

"Yes three years! " Hecate said looking annoyed.
"But I'm hear to put a spell on you so when you come back you won't have missed a thing,  literally you will have been gone a second! "

Before any of us could protest furhter Hecate raised a hand a teleported us away from camp.

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