Making our own dark arts

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Harry's POV

Harry gave Hermione a little smile and nodded to Nico,  who since breakfast had been daydreaming and seemed dazed by whatever he read. Me and Ron and Hermione made a pact,  ever since we learnt about Nicos scars and nightmares,  we decided we woukd stop trying to interfere with his life. We didn't translate that prophecy or and of the Greek things he writes down.  After all,  he is our friend now,  and we won't go behind his back. We saw a different side of him at the hospital wing,  and decided although he seems a cold,  he is actaully really nice.

Anyway,  we got to defence against the dark arts where umbridge was 'teaching' her class,  and I sat down and zoned out.  That was until I heard her mention Nicos name.

"Di Angelo!  Stop tapping the desk! "
Nico glanced up briefly at her,  then stopped. He knew better then to get on her bad side. Umbridge stood over him fuming.

"Ahem! " she said in a sickly sweet voice.
"I said to read pages three hundred to three hundred and fifty,  not to read whatever gibberish you are reading now. "

If looks could kill,  that would be Nico right now.
"This is page three hundred.. "
Nico mumbled. Umbridge was at the point ready to strangle him.
"Miss umbridge!  Always say my name young man,  this is page three hundred and fifty,  MISS UMBRIDGE! " she napped at him,  then she continued in her sickly voice
"This is not the pages,  this appears to be in an entirely different language! "
Nico scowled,  then in a pretend innocent voice replied.
"Oh but miss umbrige!  It is the right pages,  the only difference so that there in Greek. Is there a problem? "

Miss umbridge frowned back at Nico.
"Yes,  as a matter of fact there is,  why is  it in Greek?"
Nico stayed silent. Clearly he didn't want to tell anyone about his dyslexia. Miss umbridge coughed. Hermione piped up sensing the explosive atmophere.
"Miss umbridge,  forgive me if I'm wrong,  but there is nothing agaisnt Hogwarts rules for books being in a different language,  actually it's sometimes encouraged. "

Miss umbridge chose to unwisely  ignore Hermiones comment.
"I said why is it in Greek boy! " she nearly yelled.  Nico muttered something to low for her to hear. "Hmm?  What was that?  SPEAK UP!  WHY IS IT IN GREEK? "

Nico stood up and practically shouted.

everyone including umbridge stood in stunned silence. Umrbidges face was ready to explode but before she could do anything,  Nico walked out. Hermione stood up and walked out too,  followed by me and Ron and then half of the class as we all booed and hissed at her.

But by this point no one was listening or caring about what she had to say. No one was bothered by the pink toad.
We all proudly marched away from her and her nonsense,  down the hall way.  Nico had no idea where we were going and dropped back to walk next to me.
"I can't belive you did that. "
Nico smiled wickedly.
"I bet you can actaully. "
I laughed a little
"Touché! "
Nico looked at the stream of students which appeared to be following Hermione through the corridors.
"Umm so where are we going? "
I thought about this.  Where in earth could Hermione be leading us?  Maybe - Oh.. I know!
We turned the corridor to all look at the door that had magically appeared there.
"The room of requirement. "
I Whispered. Nico looked confused so I explained.
"This room only appeares to those who need it. Half the teachers don't even know about it! "

Nicos eyes widened as we followed everyone into the room. "I-I have been here before. "
I looked at him surprised.
"You have? "

Nico looked around amazed.
"Yeah.. rememeber when I skipped care for magical creatures? "
I nodded motioning for the young boy to continue. .
"Well I ran away and came here. Reyna was also here. "

Hermione stood at the front of all the students waving her wand for silence. She looked so confident in herslef.
"Listen up Gryffindors! "
She even sounded super confident.
"We want to be taught proper defence against the dark arts right? "
There was a few yeahs and a couple of mumbles. Hermiones stare hardened.

This time the entire room erupted with a loud chorus of approval from every one. Every one was clapping. Hermione puffed out her chest proudly,  savoring the moment,  before clapping for silence again.

"So,  now that we got that sorted. I have a plan. I've had it for a while. What we need to do,  is teach ourselves!  We already have the place,  no one who isn't in on this can find this room!  If you aren't one hundred percent sure,  that someone will commit. DONT tell or ask them to come to this place! Simple,  all we need to do is apologize to umbridge and pretend to like her lessons,  then sneak off at lunch or during break to learn here. "

There were a few moans at the idea of apologizing,  but so far everyone seemed on board. Suddenly a thought came to me.
"But who will teach us? "
I asked Hermione. Hermione grinned like she had been preparing for this.

"You Harry! "

Everyone was staring at me,  I was so shocked I just stood there with my mouth open.
"M.. m.. me? "
I stuttered.
"We will help you Harry,  but your our best chance,  you have seen the dark Lord himself. You dueled  with him. You cast your protronus first. We rely on you Harry. "

I felt really scared. I never expected my class mates to want me to teach them. Still I looked around the room and no one seemed to object. No one. So I stood up proudly. 
"I will do it! "

*later at dinner*

Apologizing to umbridge had veen the hardest thing we ever had to do.  She still decided that Nico and I should get detention.
I was not looking forward to that.

I sat down on the table and quickly began to fill my plate whilst Nico absent mindedly scraped a ton of his food into his fire cup.
"Why do you do that? "
Ginny,  Ron's younger sister asked leaning over to look at Nico. Nico rolled his eyes.
"Religion. "
He said Simply,  trying to push her off him. She shuffled in closer.
"What religion? "
She asked flicking her smooth silly hair over her shoulder moving closer to Nico. I felt a pang of something in my chest as I watched Ginny snuggle up to Nico who pushed her off. Ron noticed this and coughed.

"Ginny,  go hang with your friends! " Ron said through a mouth of mashed potato.
Ginny pouted slightly.
"I want to get to know him Ron,  after all he is helping Harry teach defence agaisnt the dark arts! "

Hermione slammed her hand on the table.
"Shut up Ginny!  That's a secret anyone coukd have heard! "
Ginny scowled slightly. She grabbed Nicos arm seeing that it pissed us of,  proabaly to get back at Hermione for yelling at her.

Nico tried to pull her off for the rest of dinner. Anything Hermione did to provoke her,  Ginny shot back. It was like a mini cat fight. Harry couldn't help but feel slightly jealous,  but Nico was his friend,  and knew he had a small crush on Ginny.
He would never do anything to get not the way.

Eventually Nico had enough and got up.
"I'm going to bed. " he said. Then disappeared upstairs.

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