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Reyna POV

I was sitting outside Hogwarts. It was a sunny day and it was warm outside. I was crouched under a tree to be in the shade. Nico had let me borrow the picture of the seven and him on the Argo II.

I watched Jason and piper kiss,  then turn to the camera grinning and waving. Was I jealous?  The answer is no. I wasn't jealous. I was sad.

I looked at Jasons electric blue eyes and pipers ever changing pupils. I glanced at Hazels smiling lips and Frank's nervous face. I watched Percy and his girlfreind Annabeth wave and laugh. I watched Leo pat out his flames.

I felt my vision go fuzzy as I looked at the people I would never see again. As I sat wallowing under this pine tree I heard two voices calling for me in Greek.

"Reyna!  Reyna?  We're are you?  We have news!  We figured out a mission! "

I frowned. My Greek was not nearly as sharp as my Latin,  but I still got the message. I stood up from under the tree and walked across the grass towards my two fellow demigods. Who were bickering in Greek about something.

"Hey guys!  What information?"

"Reyna!  Oh thank God! "
Will sighed running his hand through his messy blonde curls.
"We have more of the prophecy from Rachel! "

I raised an eyebrow.
"More? "

Nico nodded.
"Yeah...  more. Apparently,  our prophecy is going to be an Ass,  and reveal other bits of its self randomly. "

Oh that's just great. How are we supposed to protect potter without a stupid prophecy ruining everything.

I sighed and gave in.
"Okay fire it at me!  I'm ready to hear what ever the Hades needs to be heard. "

Will inhaled

" What once was normal now is           not

Things resurface you thought you'd forgot.

Those who called themselfs your freinds

Shall now decide your victory or end

In potters snake like venomous dream

Shall his prophecy then be seen.

For the better or the worse we shall now know

As a person you knew will stand though they died long ago. "

I blinked twice. Strangely this one rhymed better than the first.
Annoyingly I couldn't Make heads or tales out of it.
"What is normal? "
I asked bitterly as the realisation of having a prophecy sunk in.

"Everything is normal... "
Nico grumbled,  he looked really unnerved by this prophecy.

"Thats it! "
Will exclaimed
"Everything's Normal so we just got to keep an eye out for thing out of the ordinary!"

I nodded understanding where he was going with this.
"Yeah!  And we should moniter the golden trio too!  After all Harry was mentioned! "
I agreed.

Nico nodded "it says Harry will get a prophecy and a dream! We definetly must keeo an eye on them! "

I agreed firmly. I heard the distant bells chiming at Hogwarts.
"We are late for our secret DADA!"
I cursed in Latin.

I began to jog towards Hogwarts when Nico planted a hand on my shoulder and grabbed Will. Everything swirled black as Hogwarts fell into pieces. The pieces rebuilt themselves into the room of requirement. Which was empty.

Son of Hades Goes To HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now