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Nico POV

We scrambled up to our next class. I absent mindedly followed everyone,  my mind still buzzing with everything that had just happend. I wish I had Hazy-B with me,  she'd really comforting in times like this.

Instead I decided to grab Wills hand. I felt his grip tighten on mine almost instantly. I smiled a little to myslef. I mean,  that was until I realised where we were headed...

I panicked knowing we were already out the building,  heading towards the giants hut. I could feel a lump rising in my throat and I looked to Will quickly. Sadly he seemed to be lost in thought as Well.

So I did the only logical thing I could thing to do and stopped walking. I took the others a while to realise but when they did they came rushing over instantly.
Hermione was the first to figur things out (like usual.)

"Ohhh... "
She said,  the reason of my fear dawning upon her.
"Nico. " she said softly
"Hagrid is nice... really trust us!  He is only half gaint,  and he would never hurt a fly!"

I shifted my feet a little conflicted over my feelings here.
"You sure? " I asked Hermione.
Harry answered for her instead,  beaming widely.
"Positively sure!  Hagrid was the one who took me to Hogwarts and he bought me Headwig!  My owl!  I mean,  there is a reason he is in charge of care for magical creatures,  he loves all animals! "

I felt more relaxed,  I was beggining to think that this half gaint sounded a lot like Grover or some other stayr. I finally are up my mind.

"F.. fine I will go. "

The golden trio grinned at me again and then led me to the half gaints hut. I could feel the storm churning in my gut as we got closer. I was still terrified. I absent mindedly put my hand to my ring,  then took it of.. reading I put my hand on the wrong one.
The summon some of my dead friends one...

"  Hello 'Arry!  'Ermione!  Ron! "
I looked up to face my fear... and looked right into the jolly smiling face of a rather large looking man with a really big bushy beard. Like Hermione's hair,  but a beard.

" hello there! " Hagrid said turning his attention to us.
"You must be the exchange students!  Well since this Is yer first lesson,  let's start of easy eh?"

He used one of his large hands and ruffled wills hair. Will stared at me his blue eye wide,  before grinning and smiling at me.
"The gaint touched me and I am okay!!!! "
He whispered as we followed him round the back of his round, stone hut.

Maybe he really wasnt that bad.
The entire lesson he was constantly happy,  and he showed us any weird little wizard creatures I had no idea about. He even touched me,  just once just to position my hand correctly when handling the weird wizard mole,  monkey thing. But it was enough to make me feel safer.

I knew Hagrid was a half gaint,  but wow,  he really is small compared to any other gaint I have ever met!  He was pretty Much just double Frank...  that's Big...  but not gaint big! 

I looked down at the gaint red worm,  and cringed a little. Ew,  gross. " do I have to hold that?"
Hagrid nodded eagerly.
"Yeh,  how bout I show yer? "

He reached tow of his enormous hands down and scooped up the worm,  which promptly exploded into red goop.
Hagrid blinked twice and then laughed sheepishly.
"Oops I forgot it could do that...  just as well I held it first then! "
He said posotivly. This caused me to laugh a little.  But seriously, eww,  red goop!

When we left care for magical creatures,  Harry smiled at us.
"Well?  How was it? "

I smiled " it was great!  Really great!" Reyna and will nodded in agree ment. Hagrid was nothing to be afraid of. I actually trust him quite a bit for some reason.
Oh well. Dinner now!  I'm starving! 

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