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Wills POV

I strode down Hogwarts hallways humming to myslef as I went. I do this a lot. Sometimes I make up up lyrics to go with the tune I'm humming. In my head of course!  I cant sing for shiz in real life. Geez thanks dad.

I inherited healing,  archery,  even a bit of a song writing thing, everything but the actaull ability to sing. Any way here is how the songs would usaully go:

Woke up from a demigod nightmare.

Proabaly not the worst one ever!

Gonna see my wizard friends,  like John,  Marcy and that one blonde girl! 

And of course the golden trio!

Then I'm going to see my super hot boy friend!

Proabaly kiss him....  that actaully sounds really great! 

Is that Reyna and that Malfoy boy?

Isn't he a douche?  yeah a big poopie pants! 

I should proabaly go seeeeeee thhhheeeemmmm whoop!

I frowned a little. That last bit was really out of tune in my head...  never mind. I causally walked over to where Malfoy and Reyna were.

"Morning Reyna!!! "
I sang putting my arm over her shoulder. She flashed me a smile.  "Morning Will. "
Malfoy pulled a face like he had just eaten some pig slop.

"See Reyna!  That's what I'm talking about!  You can't hang out with a measly weak hufflepuff! And especially not the Gryffindors!  Your ruining our reputation! "
As soon as those words left his mouth,  I knew I was going to hate everything this kid had to say. Reyna,  sighed,  proabaly tired of what ever bull shiz this guy was giving her daily.

"Draco... for God's sake!  We've been over this. I'm not part of your little group!  I have my friends,  you don't have a say in who they are,  and I don't see why your interested in me so much anyways!  There are plenty of other slytherins that do this.. "

Malfoy looked desperate
" Yeah,  but none of them have the potential you do!  All the young slytherins look up to you,  your exceptional in your studies,  almost Snapes faveourite!  We have respect for you,  but your wasting it on those mudbloods and half bloods! "

My fist clenched a little. I had heard about those wizard blood insults. My smile remained plastered onto my face but a little more forced.
"I am a half blood Draco! "
Reyna exclaimed whildily waving her arms.

Malfoy visibly winced at her loud voice.
"Yes but,  a half blood with potential!  And your wasting it on people like this fag of a huffle puff and his stupid boyfriend! "

Reyna looked ready to fire a punch but before she could my fist was already connected with his jaw.

"Shut. The shiz. Up.!

I growled a little more agressive than I meant,  but hey...  he desvered it! He looked at me shocked and blinked twice before his shiny pale face twisted with anger.

"You dare puch me!  You filthy little-"

Thus time it was Reynas turn to act. Instead of punching him she quickly swivels round, and twisting her hip, lifted her leg to kick him in the face. Although it looked pain full,  I noticed Reyna had held back a lot,  and that kick proabaly hurt as much as a high-speed beach ball connecting with your face.

"Consider that a warning...  I really hate hurting people, but no offense Draco...  actaully yes offence,  you desvered it! "
Draco looked up to face the angered daughter of Bellona. He swallowed.
" o-o-okay.. "

Reyna grabbed my hand to leave. As we left she tuned round and yelled one more time.
"And you don't mess with my friends!!! "

I smiled at her and she blew some of her dark hair out her eyes. She rolled her eyes as we headed upstairs to history of magic.
"Typical.. "
She murmered.

On the way up the stairs we bumped into Nico, who was clearly running late for his herbology lesson. As he passed us on the stairs he mouthed.
"Brake,  room of requirement! "
And gave me a quick peck in the cheek,  which I glowed at.

After an enlightening lecture on the previous tri wizards tournament fails and deaths from professor Binns.  We headed off to the room of requirement for our third secret defence against the dark arts meeting.

Harry was surprisingly good at teaching,  and half the claws had already unlocked and mastered their protronus.  Reynas protronus was a horse.
Mine was a otter (your not supposed to name them but I named my Jeremy anyway)
Nicos was a Fox.

Upon entering the room several different blue glowing animals ran past me,  then vanished into thin air. I grinned as Harry's stag skipped past me and did several circles round Reyna, then slipped away into the air.

I think it's astonishing what wizards have learned to do with then mist!  It's crazy! Harry sent us a wave from across the room and I grinned back.  The golden trio is pretty nice... weirdly I thought they woukd be really stuck up!

Me and Reyna practiced disarming eachother for the whole lesson,  which whilst was fun, my fingers ichtched to get a boy. Just to fire a few of my beautifull arrows...  I sighed knowing I could easily summon my bow using my wand and a spell Hecate gave me.  But there is ni ecplaining that to the wizards.

Just as we finished up and everyone was leaving,  Nico ran over to us. I looked at his messy dark hair and pale porcelain skin. Oh God's he is so cute!  And look at those eyes!  I can't get over how pretty and dark they are. They're like little black orbs.
Same colour as Hazy-bs fur. Soft kitten fur...  speaking of Which where is Doris?  Ahh!  Stupid ADHD! 

"Hey guys!  I have been meaning to show you these!  They 're a present from dad... "
Nico said softly glancing around to check we were finally alone.
"Look! "
He said drawing out three photos from inside his robes.  He held them delicately in his pale  fingers.

Reyna and I gasped. The first one,  was of what I think was Nicos family,  in Italy ages ago. They were smiling and waving at us like all the Hogwarts paintings. I had never seen a picture of Bianca before,  or a small Nico for that matter. They all looked so happy.

The next was the seven and Nico,  on the Argo II.  I felt a pang in my chest. I hand known them to close,  but me and Percy sometimes hung out. Of course I saw him and Annabeth at council meetings. I looked at their smiling faces and Nicos faint trace of a smile in the picture and felt a lump in my throat.

Reynas hands touched the surface of the photo,  her eyes misty as she smiled at them.
The third was surprisingly of us and the golden trio. This made me feel a ton better.
"They're great.. " Reyna said looking through them again.

"Keep them safe. " I murmered planting a kiss on Nicos cheek.
He blushed
"I will... "

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