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Nico POV

Nico could barley breathe. He was in tartarus again. He could feel his skin crawl as he heard the most disgusting noises come from somewhere behind him.  With no warning at all someone shived a hook in his side. He screamed as the hook was painfully yanked out again,  cutting through his hip. He coukd hear tartarus laugh as he stuttered and cried.
"Your all alone demi god...  no one is there for you! "
A high pitched noise began to grow in his ears. Louder and louder until his ears began to bleed.  He screamed as white Sharp paint shot through his head.  He continued to scream until...


My eyes fluttered open as who ever was shaking me lay me back down on the pillow. I felt really weak...  that was not a feeling I enjoyed at all. I scowled at who ever just yelled at me only to be swamped by five people at once.

I recognised the one who screamed at me to wake up as my boy friend Will. 
"Oh my god Nico I'm so sorry! It's all my fault your here...  I'm your doctor for Hades sake! "
I could almost feel my heart brake,  had I really caused Will to think this was his fault?

"Its not your fault it's mine Im sorry I made you worry! " I felt so guilty,  but Will hugged me to make me feel better.

I heard a cough and looked up to see Reyna,  Ron, Harry and Hermione standing by the side of the bed I was in. Wait what bed....

"Oh my god this is not the Gryffindor dorm! "

Reyna gave me a small wack in to the top of my head.
"That's the first thing you say to me?  How about a 'I am sorry for worrying you Reyna!' Is that too much for you? "
I could tell she wasn't really pissed at me and decided to return her comment with a hug and small mumbled apology.

Her arms tightened around me as she mumbled
"I forgive you Nico,  just...  don't ever do that again,  we care about you a lot. I'm just glad your okay! "
Will pouted and shoved Reyna aside.
"Hey!  Nico is my boy frie- uh. I mean friend! I need to give him the worried talk. "
Will ranted to me about how worried he was and how much he cared,  giving me bone crunching hugs whilst the golden trio smiled at me awkwardly.

"Here! " Will said giving me a block of ambroaisa.  I poped it into my mouth and instantly felt ten times better.
"Thanks Will. " I said giving him another hug. Then I turned to my wizard friends and managed to stutter.

"T-thanks for helping me out...  I guess,  I just have not been in the right state of mind really... I'm very gratefull for you guys to have uhh helped me out.

Hermione,  Harry and Ron beamed at me,  and it seemed rather genuine.
"Its okay Nico,  I mean,  Will and Reyna weren't the only ones worried about you,  we're also your friends. "

For some reason that really made me happy.  I can't belive they cared enough to help out. They even stayed at the hospital whilst I was unconscious and waited for me to wake up.

My friends stayed chatting to me and giving me hugs for at least another half hour before madam pomfrey shooed them away to give me a private check up.

I suddenly felt my self grow cold. Wait...  had madam pomfrey seen my scars? 
I looked at the old nurse bustling around with some strange potions and all sorts. No surely she would have mentioned them...  or maybe she realised they weren't the problem.

"Young man,  you made your self very sick there by not eating and sleeping  enough.  You made your freinds very worried.  I've made sure that they will report to me if they see this happening  again. Okay? "

I nodded at the old lady hoping she would just let me go already.
She sniffed and handed me my robes to get changed into.
"Your all better now get out of my ward! "

I couldn't have gotten out of there faster than I did. As soon as I wondered out I grimaced at the amount of ghosts in the corridors. None of them had noticed me yet. They floated in and out of paintings and down staircases with out a second thought.

This was going to make dad so mad. I shoud proabaly write to him after...  yeah I will dot hat tonight. I cleared my throat and all the ghosts looked down terrified.  I didn't even need to say anything they just Ran as soon as they saw me. I smiled feeling a little satisfied.

Then I walked down to the great hall.  I scanned the masses of witches and wizards to find my friends.
I spotted them in out usual spot on the Gryffindor table and quickly hurried over to join them,  nealry knocking a floating cabdel from the ceiling in the way.

"Madam Pomfrey let you out! "
Ron exclaimed as I took a seat next to him.
"No,  I ran away. " I said sarcasticly. Harry laughed and flashed me a smile as the food magically appeared on the silver platters. I wasn't hungry... but looking at the food made me feel ill. 
Hermione,  however plunked a pastry covered in gravy on my plate and began cutting it up into bite size peices.
I blinked "Hermione what do you think your doing? "
Hermione ignored me and dumped a spoonful of peas on top of the pastry.
"Madam Pomfrey told us to watch you,  which we were going to do anyway. "
I sighed and got out my Greek fire goblet and picked up and small bit of my pastry, 
~to the gods on Olympus,  Hectae and Hades. ~

Then I reluctantly started to eat the rest of my plate. It actaully wasn't as bad I rememebered. I expected it to he cold and slimy and tasteless,  but honestly it was quite the opposite. I chewed thoughtfully half listening to Harry and Ron's conversation about how defence against the dark art sucks and we need a new teacher. I agree pink toad made the last lesson really boring...

"So uhh Nico? " Hermione said giving me a nervous smile.
"Hmmm? " I said through a mouth full of peas.
"Y-you don't have to answer but..  what were those scars on your chest from?  "

I felt my heart sink.  I wanted to tell them the truth..  strangely...  but instead I found myself half lying...
"Umm well you see,  my wizard camp in America,  it's under attack...  like a lot.  And most of us get injure during out time there.  And let's just say..  I got injured pretty badly. "

Harry and Ron looked at me sympatheticly. Hermione looked a little embarrassed
"Oh..  um sorry for asking. "
She said,  she bit her lip giving away she had something else to ask. I waited for her to say what ever she was going to say.

"And uhh...  is that what your nightmares are about? "
I stared at her in disbelief,  did she spy on me sleeping the first night here?
"You had a nightmare in the infirmary! " she explained quickly seeing my shocked expression.

I calmed myself.
"Oh umm yeah...  a little bit. "
She nodded and thankfully didn't push any further.

I was actaully in a pretty good mood this evening,  proabaly the best I've been since I got here,  I felt really safe all of sudden. And kinda happy the Golden trio had excepted me as their friends. I took out my quill as I sat in my bed after dinner. Here is what I wrote:

Dear dad, 

I am just writing to let you know how my quest is going. I would also like to inform you that half the escaped souls from the under world are proabaly right here at Hogwarts. But before you send thantos over here to drag them back home,  I would also like to inform you that most of them are teachers or helpers of some kind,  and are actaully very important to the wizards.

I would appreciate it if you woukd Grant them all permits to be here. I know Hecate would be very happy if you did.

From your son


P. S The owl is called Grace,  Im borrowing her from Reyna. She likes a snack so feed her some of phersepohines cerale.

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