Room of Requirement.

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Nico POV

I followed the golden trio towards care for magical creatures. I saw the hut and forest grow closer and closer with every step. The sun dipped behind a cloud and a shadow washed over the school grounds,  now's my chance. I made sure Hermione took a look back to check I was following them,  bore sinking into the shadows.

Where am I going?  Anywhere in Hogwarts..  I need a place to gather my thoughts where no one will find me,  unless it's Will or Reyna I guess. Some where I won't be disturbed.

I guess I got my wish,  because when I opened my eyes,  I was in an empty Hogwarts room.  The strange thing was the lack of desks...  but I didnt think much about it.  I just curled up in a ball and cried. 

I just want Hazel back,  to be me half sister,  and Bianca to be my full sister,  and we'd do family stuff together. I want Jason back,  to always be the superman,  and Piper to make sure he gets a reality check now and again. I want Percy and his goofie annoyingness,  and Annabeth and her over all smartness.  I want Frank to be there,  and even if he is awkward,  I know he loves- no.  Loved Hazel...  I want Leo and his crappy sense of humor.  I would get to know them all better,  and maybe for once,  I wouldn't always be the outcast,  I would finally get a chance, for the people I care about to..  care back.

But thanks to the war Gaea,  and her stupid,  stupid gaints!  I can't do that anymore. He killed them all right in front if my eyes,  and I wake up screaming their names every night wishing,  wishing I could have saved at least one, at least one of the people I love-

I was cut of by someone wrapping thier arms around me,  I tensed but relaxed when I saw it was Reyna. I realised I had been practically screaming that last part in Greek,  while sobbing uncontrollably. 

I gulped and tried to stop crying but I couldn't.  Reyna pulled my body into one of the tightest embraced yet.
"Shhhh... " she sniffles,  crying As Well. "I-its okay,  j-just cry it all out."

As I cried,  I thought how lucky I was that I had...  at least a few of the people that I love in the world left. I took out some photos from inside my robe I always carry aorund with me,  and although we still had tears rolling down our faces,  we sat and looked through them one by one.

I let my fingers glide over their smiling faces and smiled. Maybe one day...  I would have the courage to talk to their ghosts again.  Reyna checked the time
And cursed in Greek.
"It's past dinner Nico,  you didn't have anything to eat!"

"Its fine Reyna,  I ate a lot for breakfast! " I lied. Reyna glanced at my pale skinny frame.
"Uh huh....  well I will be checking on you tomorrow Di Angelo!  But we had better get back to our dorms! "

I nodded and we pulled ourselves if of the floor. I got up still a bity shaky and let out a shiver. I know Hogwarts is a castle,  but do the corridors have to be so dam cold?  I followed Reyna out what ever room we were in and tiptoe towards the stairs.  We parted ways and as soon as she was out of sight,  I shadow traveled my self to the doorm bathrooms,  to clean my puffy red face.

I turned on the sink and splashed cold water up to wash away my tears.  I stood a minute looking in the mirror till I was certain no one could tell I had been crying.
Then I stepped out the dorms bathrooms and got the scare of my life.

Three figures jumped up from the common room sofas. I recognized them instantly as the golden trio.  Uh oh. It was Hermione who spoke,  or loud  whisphered it was practically the middel of the night.  

"Where have you been Nico?  You bunked class and then disappeared for dinner?  Do you have any idea what time it was?"
Oh God's...  what do I do?  I said the only I could think of.
" Geez Hermione,  if you didn't notice is was in the bathroom. "

Ron and Harry exchanged glances. " y-yeah well,  all evening? " I stopped and thought about this carefully. "No,  I went to see Dumbledoor during dinner. " Hermione took at step forward.
"Impossible!  We carefully watched the entrance to this dorm to see if anyone came in or out after dinner.  You couldn't have been there because to get here you woukd have to walk through the entrance.  You cant apparate in Hogwarts so either your using dark magic,  or lying,  or both! "
Hermione declared this proudly and Harry and Ron straightened their backs. I didn't need this right now...
"Hermione,  as much as I appreciate your detective skills,  maybe you should get yourself a solid case before you accuse people of doing things they didn't. Have you ever considered the small possibility that I perhaps came back beofre dinner was over,  and had finished eating early?  Hmmm?  Then took a shower in the bath room and lost track of time?"
I made sure my voice was dripping with sarcasm.  Hermione looked down but Harry suddenly semmed determined.

"What language were you cursing in earlier? "
I gave him funny look.
"Italian...  it's my first language. "
I heard Ron mutter "didn't sound like Italian to me. " I snapped my head towards him
"Well it was! " and then I switched to italain quickly.
~and I'm honsetly tired of you three,  can't you see I don't want to talk you morons!~

Then I added "I'm off to bed... " before walking over to where Hazy-B was lying on my pillow and snuggling down next to her.  I heard Ron and Harry follow me in silence to their beds. I could fell their eyes watching me as I lay pretending to be asleep.  I couldn't sleep,  I don't want to risk having a nightmare and waking them up,  then I would have explain what it was.  I felt for the photos in my pocket for reasurrence.  I smiled. And lay away for the rest of the night....

Over the next few days I still hung out with the golden trio,  and they pretended that our little 'incident' hadn't happened.  Reyna made sure I ate a breakfast,  but not that much and I didn't eat any other time. I never slept and felt awful.  Every morning it got harder to drag myslef out of bed.  And there were barely any time I could see Will,  so he never noticed and I missed him. I was really skinny now and the bags under my eyes were really prominent.  Thank heaven's my robes a really baggy and hide this. There is nothing I can do about how tired I am...  blame homework?  I would figur this out...  somehow.

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