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A/N: Quick thanks to SlytherHermesHunter for this great  idea and helping me through this random writing block.

Nicos POV

As we turned round the tree stump I began to feel my legs break down. I can't do this. Oh my gods,I can't do this! No way in hell, I am ready to face this. I could hear the giants roars but I was too afraid to look up. Ha grid called out from beside me.

"Good evenin' Grawp, my dear brother ! I brought a few old friends to meet ye, but don't worry they're nice!"

I heard a loud grumble yet again. The thought that me Reyna and Will had been training near this thing before made me want to throw up. I could hear the golden trio gasping as they looked upon it, I freaked out as I heard Rom cried out in fear. Hagrid slapped me on the back.

"It's okay Nico, he won't hurt yer, he wouldn't now I told him yer friendly..."

I still trembled at the thought of the horrific giant, but slowly I began to look up. If Hagrid isn't too bad, then how bad can his brother be?

I regretted looking up the moment I did, for what I came face to face with threw me wildly into the past.

I could hear the thudding of giants feet across camp half bloods grounds, they didn't scare me, after going through Tartarus nothing could.

I was looking into the largest pair of blood shot dark eyes on a massive grubby faced head. I could see his nostrils flare with every breathe  he took.

They didn't scare me up until I saw it reach down and pluck up Jason like a daisy. I could feel my heart thud. It's Jason he would be fine but just to make sure I called out "Jason ,look out-"

I could see the giants fists, in it was a crushed tree trunk, bits of wooden splinters stuck in his skin, as he tightened his grip snapping it in half.

Squashed , blood spraying out and dripping down his hands. One simple movement and my friend was gone, I could feel the reality of this setting in as horror pumped through my veins. The only thought going through my mind was "what the F**k"

My breath hitched and I stumbled back a little bit, taking the size of this beats, murderer, beast, he...

I watched as giants threw my fiends around tossing them about and the blood
Drip drip drip and he picked up frank and I...

Quickly twisted my silver skull ring inhabiting the one to summon my dead friends and pulled out my Stygian iron sword. The cool hilt felt right in my hand as I screamed at my giant foe. I took two steps back and got ready to run. Grawp looked taken a back as  he raored in surprise at me. His roar sounded scared... angry...

Furious as the giant fell down the the ground, his arm bleeding from the stump I just cut off. I could see dead bodies everywhere I looked. I raised my sword ready to strike again, then I felt a giant -friend - beats pulling me away to pulverise me, grabbing me to -get me out of harms way to- kill me. I was acres terrified of the ...

"Giants that killed my friends..."
I choked as tears ran down my face, Harry was holding me back with a strong grip, my sword had fallen to the ground where it promptly returned to a ring. I saw Reyna and Will being held back by Hermione and Ron, they looked the same as I felt. Betrayed, broken,scared angry and devastated  ...

Hagrid came over looking shocked, Grawp was leaning over us in curiosity and I slumped in Harry's arms and began to sob. I could hear Harry nervously explaining to Hagrid about our fear of giants, I could hear Will apologising over and over and I felt Reyna shake my shoulders as she looking at my face.

"Nico? Nico are you okay? It's okay! It's going to be okay... Grawp hasn't hurt anyone."

Shakily I took her hand which lifted me off of Harry and onto the ground where I hastily retrieved my ring. I heard Hagrids gruff voice beside me.

"I'm sorry , Nico I had no idea you all..."

Nico shook his head feeling sudden guilt as he looked up at Hargrids sad face.

"Don't be sorry Hagrid, it's hard to leave the past, but the past is in the past and right now it's the present, and not all giants are bad and I know that because your half giant and your the kindest teacher here!"

Hagrid cracked a small smile at me as we pulled in to a hug. I was not prepared for what happened next though.
Grawp hugged us. Or he tried to, he bent down to snuggle with us but ended up just picking up Hermione till we yelled at him enough to put her down again.

Hermione didn't seem that shaken at all weirdly, and this giant, wether I liked it or not, was beginning him to grow on me a little.

That's when I heard the most sickeningly sweet voice call out from the trees.

"Well , what, may I ask do we have here?"
We all turned to grimace at the pink toad that walked out to greet us.
"Six students out of bed, and in the forbidden forest might I  add!"
She took one step forward.
"One 'teacher' ahem, if you can call them that, accompanying these rebels ..."
She took another step forward. I kinda wanted to pimple her into the ground but I kept my ground.

"Secrets, secrets everywhere! We have a bunch of liars out here ready to be exiled and sent away from this school in shame and humiliation!" She hissed her crinkled face crinkling more. I was wondering why she wasn't screaming Grawp too, then I realised she hadn't seen him.
Hermione bang to protest but Dolris went right up to her and slapped her across the face. This was her ultimate mistake, as Grawp, angry picked up the toad from behind.

She screamed and squirmed and Grawp to our utter astonishment , lifted the squealing pig clean off the ground. Part of me was scared he was going to drop her, and the other part of me wanted him to. How dare she slap Hermione. Hermione at this moment didn't care, or she was just to astounded at the sight of the DADA teachers being hung onto the tree like  Christmas decoration.

It was a crazy high tree, and if your like Thalia and hate heights, you wouldn't want to be up there let me tell you now.

"Put me down!  I shall have expelled ! Arrested ! Get me away from this monster!"
She screamed and thrashed about crying.
Hermione simply grinned and in a sickly sweet voice added.

"Sorry sweetie , we might just have to leave you there for a bit. We have a ministry to infiltrate and a Voldemort to catch... farewell. Consider this, detention!"

And with that we turned and walked off.

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