To fall...

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Hermiones POV

" I know. I know. "
I said looking at Ron and Harry's confused faces as I tried my best to explain.

" we made a promise NOT to invade on Nicos privacy... but that rule has to break now. "

Harry's face fell.
"Why? "
I replied instantly
"Their keeping things from us,  and talking about us behind our backs. "
Ron shook his head in disbelief.
"I don't believe it...  I thought they were finally warming up to us.... what did they say? "

"They were talking about someone called Jason and Percy. They said they might come to hogwarts but it sounded like they weren't that sure... "

Ron raised an eyebrow.
"Is that is mione? "
I shook my head embaressed.
"Oh God no!  Sorry I zoned out. There is more!  They said they were going to raise the dead!  And they were asking if we are going to 'tie into this' at all. Or get involved. "

"I guess we have to get involved now. " Harry said firmly. Though I could see he was still hurt by Nicos sort of betrayal. Ron only nodded silently. We had just become close to Nico. And now he might be working for voldemort. If that was his plan its a really good one.

"We still have to play nice with them! "
I announced. Forming a plan in my mind on how we were to figured this out.
"That way we can strike when they lest expect it!  They will think we have forgotten! "
Ron's face lot up a little as Harry smiled.
"Hermione that's a brilliant idea. As usual. "
Ron said making my heart flutter a little. Just. A. Little.

"Oh!  Right after I translated some of that wierd prophecy Nico said in divination!  Only the bits I got down though...  it's not complete...  yet. "

I handed the small scribbled out note of papaer to Harry. My writing was a bit Messer than usual and rushed but Harry still read it out loud.

"Three shall go to wizards castle

  And mix with magic

  Find ways to war 

  And the results so tragic

The trio of dark and war

Shall the trio of gold

And cast a spell
To  them "

Harry finished reading a little paler th a  before.
"W-we are definitely in it... "
He stuttered as Ron piped up

"And it does not sound good. I know it's not complete...  but I Mean...  come on!  Trio of dark and war?  Mixing with magic and casting spells...  on US!  Making a tragic war??!?! "

I couldn't help but agree as the empty hole in my stomache grew larger. Harry had his head down. " we should have seen it coming.."
He mumbled.  I sent him a curious look signalling for him to continue.

"I mean!  They burn their food,  they all speak Greek even though they aren't realted...  unless they are,  but then why is Nico dating Will!?!  Also in herbology Nico is always killing his plant. I saw Malfoy with a bloody nose the other day.  I know I hate him,  but Will punched him that hard!  Their also racist like all death eaters. When is the last time you saw any of them go to care for magical creatures?  They hate giants for God's sake! "

I looked at Harry,  his face riddled with hurt and anger. I knew his was right. We should have investigated sooner. Ron put his hand on Harry's shoulder.
"Umm guys...  whilst im at it. I have something to tell you. "
Harry explained to us best he could,  and when he was done we were stunned.
"A dream? "
I asked worriedly.
"Where YOU were a SNAKE? "

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