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Nicos POV

I watches as Will was called up to have the hat placed on his head.
I held my breath. Will looked a little shocked at first,  then pulled a couple of faces that looked rather odd.  Suddenly the hat boomed


I grimaced as Will wandered over to the yellow and black tabel.
I was clearly not a huffelpuff. Now we would be spereated for sure. I was thinking so hard about what I would do without Will I hadn't noticed Reyna being called up until the hat called out


I gasped.  Reyna wasn't evil! But then again Hermione did say that some slytherins  were nice.  I would proabably be in slytherin .  Everyone thinks im evil.

"Di Angelo Nico! "

I felt my chest tighten.  I was freaking out on the Inside but I wasn't about to let anyone see that.  I walked up to sit on the stool as the old leather hat was placed on my head. 

Another one of you?  And I thought having two here was rare enough already.

What who's inside my head? Am I saying this out loud?  No.  Still thinking it. 

It's the hat young demigod. 


Quite impressive mental barriers if I do say so myself! could you possibly take them down a second u need to see yiur memories. 

Errrrrr how about no.

Really child you have nothing to worry about,  I saw your friends memeories,  I...  I'm very sorry about that war I had to stop myslef from screaming.  But you shall be safe in Hogwarts if you just let me sort you.

Hmmmmm....  it's not the war I'm worried about. 

Really child,  I have been through so many students head...  I have seen rather bad things.  Please let me sort you.

I let down my mental barriers so the hat could see,  Bianca,  Percy,  Eros.  So far so good we hadn't got to the bit I hate yet. Hazel, the jar and uh oh...  tartarus.
High pitched screaming went through my head and I couldn't tell if it was the hats or mine.


The hat screamed,  not in the same way he called out the others


Professor Mc Gonagal rushed over and plucked the hat of my head.  I realised I was shivering,  so very quickly I stood up and dragged my self to the Gryffindor table. I took a seat next to Hermione with Ron and Harry opposite us. 

I felt extremely tired. 
"Are you okay? "
Hermione reached a hand and put it on my shoulder. I tensed and slapped it off. She looked hurt.
" sorry..  I don't like touching. "
I grumbled. She gave a nod,  and shuffled away a little. I sat like that for the rest of the sorting until professor Dumbledore stood up to make his speech.

It was a pretty funny speech until an ugly toad like lady in pink Cut in. Her speech was so boring I don't even Rememeber her name. Was it Doris?  She does look a bit like Doris...
Doris Underpants!
I smiled at this thought and turned to tell Will something,  but he wasn't there. I turned back to Ron and Hermione who were now guzzling down food that had magically appeared on the tabel while I was off thinking.
"Eat some! " Ron said waving a chicken leg at me.
"No thanks. " I sighed.
"You should eat something" Harry offered me a plate of minion steak pies. I shook my head and Harry shrugged and took one anyway. 

I saw Will at the huffelpuff table making freinds so easily. He laughed at something someone said then waved at me.  I gave a small wave back then turned to look at Reyna,  who seemed to also be fine,  she was so deep into a conversation she didn't even see me looking.

I looked down at my empty plate sadly. Harry picked up a bowl of grapes and offered them to me.
"Nico you should eat. "
I scowled. "Not hungry potter." I snarled.
Ron put his hands up
" geez no need to get defensive about it. "
I saw the trio giving eachother looks. I knew I would mess up sooner or later.  Should I apologize?  Would they reject me if I did?  What If they hated me from the begging but didn't say anything?  What If Reyna hates me?  WHAT IF WILL HATES ME OH GOD!

I used all of my will power not to break down. The truth is um already broken. I need to distract my mind and quickly.  I picked up a golden drinking goblet from the table and used my wand to murmer a spell in Greek.

Just I had hoped,  green flames sprung from the cup.
" Bloody hell! " Ron said staring at my Greek fire.
"Your not going to drink that are you?" I flashed him a glare and shook my head.  Then I picked up a couple of grapes and and some biscuits and put them into the fire.

(In greek)

( I pray to Hades,  Thantos,  Hectate,  and the the mighty gods of Olympus. Please Dad....  let this quest work...  and take care of...  Percy and the other...."

I trailed of at the end not being ambled to say it.  The  doused the flames in my cup. I turned back to the golden trio who were staring at me their mouths open.

"What? " I snarled.  Hermione just kept staring.
"Its my religion! " I said getting up from the table.  Hermione,  Ron  and Harry followed me quickly. 

" we will show you to your dorm!"

I nodded and followed them.  The corridors of Hogwarts were very big,  and strangely smelled of death...  I didn't see any Ghosts or dead bodies though...  maybe they ran away when they felt my presense.  Id better keep an eye out just in case.

We arrived at a painting with a fat lady in.  She was singing to her self and moving,  but I was too tired to care. 

" Apollos haiku. " Hermione said clearly,  as the door swing open. 
I let a laugh escape my lips.
"What was that!?! " I chuckled.
Harry frowned " the password. "
Well I know I ddfknetky won't forget it.

"Whats so funny? " Harry asked again his green eyes looking me up and down. I just waved my hand dismissively and walked into our doorm rooms. I walked straight past the common room  and Into the boys sleeping area.  I scanned my room for the bed with my stuff on.  " aha! " I said finding a large trunk with a tired Hazy-B curled up asleep on top of it. I unloaded my stuff and cufully put Hazy-B in the pillow. As soon as I was done I flipped down into bed and imditely went to sleep.

If only mine was a peace full as my cats...

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