Platform 9 and 3/4

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Reynas POV

Lady Hecate raised a hand and we all swirled into darkness...

When I opened my eyes we were standing on a platform in some gaint old looking train station, stil clutching our wands like total idiots. I felt something soft and feathers bustel into my neck. On pure instinct a slapped it off. There was an alarmed hooting noise as an owl flapped of my shoulder only to do a circle and fly back again.

I looked down at will, who was clutching a plump toad, and a very surprised Nico who was cradling a black kitten in his arms like it was a porceline doll.

" Oh.... " I said realising what these strange animals must be.
" lady Hecate must have given us wizard pets! " Will looked at me exitment across his face.
" You mean we get to keep them?" I nodded as Will gave the air a punch.

"SCORE!!! " he yelled pulling the slimy toad closer to his face.
" I'm going to name you.... Doris!" I let out a giggle. "Doris?? Really? " Will frowned at me.
"Well what are you naming yours then? "
I thought about it. I looked back at my owl, it's pale feather and electric blue eyes as it hopped around on my arm reminded me so much of Thalia and Jason....

" Grace... " I said rubbing Graces feather wings tenderly. Will smiled and held Doris up to Graces face so they could say hello.
"Uhhhh guys... " came a soft worried voice.
" What do I do? I might drop it. Or kill it it. Or drop it and kill it." I forgot about Nico! I turned to look at the younger boy, who was cradling the kitten so carefully he hadn't looked up to talk to us. Will laughed and gently scooped the kitten out of Nicos hand and put it in the gound by his feet. The small night black kitten rubbed affectionately against his leg. Nico gave a small smile.

" I think... I'm going to name her Hazel-Bianca.... Hazy -B for short. " I saw him grow quieter at the name of his two dead sisters. I didn't know Bianca, I knew Hazel a little, but I didn't need to know how much it hurt to have lost them, I myself have a sister... I wonder what Hyllya is doing now?

"Uhh guys. " Will suddenly piped up. I turned to him as Nico attempted to pick up Hazy-B again.
"Yes?" I aksed the son of Apollo.
"Where is platform 9 3/4??? I can't see a 9 3/4 anywhere? " I looked around and sure enough there was no platform sign for 9 3/4.

"Maybe it's a British thing? "
Nico asked finally scooping his pet of the floor and into his arms. Will nodded. 
"Lest ask around....  like that guy!" I looked towards where will was pointing. A grumpy looking man in uniform stood by one of the trains blowing a whistle and signaling the trains to leave. 

"Excuse me mister! " I said as I nervously approached the man.
He raised an eyebrow at me,  Will and Nico.  I must admit I felt rather stupid holding my wand and my owl.
"Can you tell me how to get to platform 9 3/4? Our trains is supposed to leave on that platform any minute! "
The man just growled and rubbed the stubble on his chin.
"Stupid Americans!  There is no platform 9 3/4!  Go bother some other person... " and with a grunt he turned away from us.

I was shocked by his behaviour!  I hope all English people aren't that rude!  Just then,  out the corner of my eye,  I saw about six red heads bustling about the platform. A plump lady who was carrying a lot if bags was rushing a few  freckled kids around. I heard a snippet of their coverstaion.

" Ronald Weasly!  Fix your hair now!  And Ginny let me carry your bags for you!  We have had a long walk to platform 9 3/4 this year! "

My ears perked up at this and I saw Will squeeze Nicos hand.
"They must be wizards.  Let's ask them!" Nico whispered.  I approached them confidently this time. I walked right up to the plump ginger lady.

"Excuse me,  we are exchange students from America,  can you tell us how to get onto platform 9 3/4.? " the lady looked at me fondly and smiled. 
"Of course dearie,  my own children are going to Hogwarts too!  These are my childeren Fred and George-"
I looked towards two twins who instantly reminded me of the stolls.
"Ron,  and Ginny -"
She gestured towards a freckled ginger haired boy and a slightly younger ginger girl.
"And I'm Molly Weasly! "
The lady said extending her hand.

I shook it firmly.
"Reyna. " I said politley.
"Will solace! " Will beamed also shaking Molly's hand.
" Nico. " Nico said blankly.
Molly gave us warm smiles. 
" Well dearies it's a pleasure to meet you all.  Now to get on to the platform,  you must run through that wall in between platform 9 and 10. "

Will laughed until he saw Molly's serious face.
"You not kidding? "
Molly only pointed to the wall again as Fred and Geoge ran up to it and vanished.
Nico paled and Will took a step back
"Where did they go? Im not doing this first! "

I gave a sigh
"Fine I will go first! " I turned and thanked Molly one last time before taking a deep breath.  I sprinted towards the wall at full speed.  Just as I hit the bricks,  my body suddenly became light for a moment as I passed through the wall effortlessly. 

My trainers squeaked as I skidded to a holt to admire the platform with bustling witches and wizards scattered all over.  Suddenly Will and Nico came tumbling through the wall behind me and crashed into my back.

We all fell  to the floor with a yelp.
"Blimey!  That was a nasty fall...  are you okay? " I looked up to see Ron looking down at us mildy amused. I rubbed my head and sat up.
" yeah I think so.. "

I saw Nico groan with the weight of his boyfriend on top of him.
"Get off me Will you weigh so much!! "
Will looked offended but hopped off immediately. He stretched out a hand to help Nico up.  As soon as Nico took hold of it he was hoisted up into the most bone crushing hug from Will yet.  I couldn't help but smile at them.  I'm so glad Nico finally accepted his feelings,  and to make it better,  Will is always so kind to him.

The gaint red train of the platform suddenly began to blow steam everywhere.  We jumped as the train gave a loud whistel. Ron grabbed my hand
"Hurry!  The Hogwarts express is about to leave. "
We rushed to the train doors,  our feet thumping across the concrete platform.  One by one we leapt on,  just as the train began to slowly move away. 

Once we were on we walked down to find a compartment to sit in.  Ron seemed to be looking for someone... 

"Aha! " he said finding whoever he was looking for.  And beofre we could ask he pulled us in.

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