Chapter 3

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Sasuke sighed as he waited on his brother and Sakura. Knowing Sakura she probably had to take thirty breaks to get here. That girl was so beyond annoying. Why did Itachi allow her to come with them? 


  "I never caught your name mister." A voice said behind him.

  Sasuke sighed and turned towards the person behind him. He looked to be no older than twelve and his long shaggy blond hair almost covered his eyes. 

  "I am Sasuke." He said to the boy. 

  "I am Nei. Sorry about the kunai by the way. I thought you were of the Thunder Rogues and you were getting far to close the villagers." Nei said to him. 

  Sasuke shrugged his shoulders and turned back to the cave entrance. Damn that girl and her slowness. 

  "Sasuke! Where are you?" He heard Sakura yell. 

  Sasuke sighed and leaped down to greet his team. He lead them into the cave and to the villagers. He lead Itachi to the leader of the village and Sakura to the injured. He watched her heal all of them with no issues. He rolled his eyes.

   'So she can do something without getting tired?' He thought to himself. 


   Tsunade sat at her desk and read over the letter from Itachi. She sighed, she had no idea the village was this bad off. 

  "Shizune, bring me Shikamaru, Neji, Hinata, Ino and Shisui. I am sending them out to help Itachi and his team." Tsunade said to her.

  Shizune nodded and left to grab the others. 

  'Oh Sakura, what has Itachi gotten you into?' Tsunade thought. 

  A few minutes later, Shizune returned with the ninjas. 

  "Shisui, I am sending all of you on a mission to help Itachi and his team. The state of the village is much worse than initially thought. I am sending you, Neji and Shikamaru as extra help for Sasuke and Itachi. Ino and Hinata, you are going to help Sakura in your healing. Treat her as your captain. She will be in charge of you two in the healing. If any fighting comes down, I am trusting you all will listen to Itachi. I sent him as their captain and that is no different for you five. Now go." Tsunade said. 

  They all nodded and took off for the village. 


  Itachi watched as Sasuke walked around the villagers, questioning them about what had happened. He was upset with him about how he treated Sakura. 

  "Sasuke, may I speak to you outside?" Itachi asked. 

  Sasuke nodded and followed his brother to the waterfall, out of ears reach to Sakura. 

  "You are a fool. An absolute fool Sasuke." Itachi stated bluntly. 

   Sasuke stared at him wide eyed. 

  "That girl in there, I have watched her change everything about her for you. I do not understand her love for you." Itachi stated. 

  "I do not know what to tell you, Itachi. I do not want her in anyway. If you feel that way then maybe you should be with her. You two get along way better than we have." Sasuke said. 

  Itachi gritted his teeth and held back the need to punch his brother. He despised his attitude towards that poor girl. 


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