Chapter 27

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Sasuke smiled softly as he watched his mother finish cooking dinner. He placed the last plate on the table and helped his mother bring the food to the table. He watched as her face lit up when she heard Fugaku make his way into the house. 

   "I am home. I told you I would be early tonight. Did Itachi and Sakura agree on coming tonight?" Fugaku asked from the hallway. 

   "No honey, he wanted to take her out for dinner tonight. We should just let him be happy for tonight dear." Mikoto said. 

   Sasuke looked at his mother. Why would they need to just let him be happy for tonight? What was his father planning?

   Fugaku walked into the room and sat down at the table. Sasuke sat beside him. 

   "You should know about this, my son. We are taking Sakura from him. It was not something I wanted to agree to but we need that seal. He can not know about this. If he stood in the way I would not be able to save him. The clan will stash her somewhere until we can fully make a plan but we can not risk him running with her and us losing the chance to gain the seal for future generations." Fugaku stated. 

   Sasuke stared at his father in shock. He planned to kidnap Sakura? 

   "Why would I need to know this? I do not care either way for that girl." He stated, another pain stabbed his heart. 

   "Because you are all I have left to take over for me. You are the heir now. Your brother clearly does not want it. This position requires sacrifice that he is not willing to do. You are my last hope." Fugaku stated. 

   Sasuke rolled his eyes at his father's words. He had never wanted to take over his father and that had not changed now. He wanted nothing to do with this clan after what he has seen recently. He would rather be with Sakura and his brother, but they needed him here for information and that is exactly what he was going to do. 

   "How do you plan to get the seal for the clan?" Sasuke asked. 

   "The seal itself is not something that is passed down initially. It is the chakra control that is needed to gain the seal. Sakura has proved worthy in chakra control her entire life. It is her chakra control we truly need in the next generation of Uchiha." Fugaku stated. 

   "So you plan on keeping her pregnant her entire life just to gain that seal? You plan on letting the clan do that to her? She is no different from you father. She lives and breathes the same way you do. How do you or the clan see that as fair?" Sasuke asked. 

   "It does not have to be fair, son. Nothing is fair when it comes to war. We need that seal to break the clan free of how the villages look at us ever since the nine tails attack. We will show them that we are far more than just that. We are far more than just the sharingan." Fugaku stated as he stood up from the table. 

   "I am not sure that I am okay with this, father. It just doesn't seem right to do this to another human being." Sasuke stated. 

   "I understand my son. She was your friend and team mate. You hold a bond with her so I hold no issue with your feelings. The plan will go on either way Sasuke." Fugaku said before leaving the house.  

  Sasuke sighed as he watched his mother bring the food to the table. She scanned the room for her husband and her frowned. She was really holding on to the thought of her husband being home for dinner for once. 

    "I am sorry, mother. I know you really wanted him to be here to eat with us. I have over stepped." Sasuke said, apologizing. 

   "It is not your fault. Your father will never change, I should have known he wasn't really coming home for dinner. He was coming here to let you in on what is going to happen and then leave again. Either way we will enjoy dinner together, huh?" Mikoto asked. 

   Sasuke smiled at her and helped her place the food on the table. He surely would have missed his mother had he left with them. 

   "I want you to know that I do not agree with what the clan is doing either. I am just not in the position to argue with them over it." Mikoto said. 

    Itachi sighed as they finally reached at hotel for the night. They had safely evaded the Uchiha and escaped the village. They had made it far enough away to not worry about them finding them and as well that they had no idea in which way they had gone. They would be safe enough to rest for the night and began traveling again the next day. They needed away from the land of fire and safely into another nation before they would really be free from his clan. 

   "Are you sure he will really try to help us out and stall them and even let us know everything before it happens?" Sakura asked. 

    "Yes, I am positive. He is good on his word. He is there strictly for information or he would have left with us. If they plan to make a move against us then we will know before it happens and can safely avoid them. I will protect you, I promise." Itachi said as he placed his pack with the scrolls on the table. 

   Sakura sighed and sat down on the bed. She hated the clan for making her leave her friends and family but also because Itachi had to do the same. He had to leave his mother and brother behind. The only true friend he had ever valued was Shisui and he was long dead. 

   Itachi sat down beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He knew she truly did not want to leave but there was no other option for them. He had to keep her safe from them and leaving was the only way to do that. 


   "I trust you will, Itachi." Sakura said and laid her head down on his shoulder. 

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