Chapter 31

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So I know I promised a few more mature chapters in this book but plans did change. This chapter is the final chapter in this book. I had fun writing this story.. so much so that I will be writing book 2 shortly. This next book will go further into Itachi and Sakura's battle against Itachi and Sasuke's father. I may even create and third book depending on how the second one goes. Thank you all for the reads on this book. :) Now, onto the chapter! 

 It had been a few days since Itachi had recieved the letter from his brother. They had returned to the village the next day and moved into a different house. It had been a shock to find that everyone in the village was there for support for them both. Tsunade had tripled the amount of ninja patrolling the gates to keep his clan out. 

   Itachi smiled as he saw Sakura sleeping peacefully in the bed beside him. It has been hell since they returned back to the village. Sakura always had her head turned behind her, afraid that someone was going to get her. No matter how much security the village has provided us, we both know my father will return for her. He was not the kind of man to completely give up on anything. 

   A few members of the clan have sneaked through the gates but were always captured and are awaiting execution. Tsunade considered Sakura her daughter and was hell bent on protecting her. Naruto and his brother had been placed on a team to gaurd the village and kill anyone they saw trying to break into the village. They have been successful so far and no one has made it to close to her for comfort. 

   Itachi watched as her chest went up and fell back down with every breath she took. She was beautiful even in her sleep. This woman, who had saved many lives in her life, had stolen jis heart and he would be damned before I let my father lay a hand on her. No one in the clan was deserving of her and that included myself and my brother. To me, no one in the entire world would ever be someone who deserved her. She was an angel while I was a demon. Itachi was no saint. He had done things for this village and his clan that he was not proud of. Itachi had killed and injured many men, women, and even children in his life. But now, the only thing he would ever do for this village whole heartedly was to protect this woman with his life. 

   He began to drift to sleep as he watched her. 


    Naruto glared at Sasuke from across the fire. Tsunade wanted them to patrol an area outside of the gate. Six other teams had been chosen but were to stick to their own areas. 

   "Are you going to stare at me all night? I thought you were going to sleep for a few hours and then take over for me and allow me to sleep? Or would you rather that I sleep first?" I asked the glaring dobe. 

   "I will stare at you as long as I want too, Teme. You hurt my feelings earlier and I am still mad at you." Naruto stated as his jaw tensed. 

   Ah, yes he remembered what he was talking about. Sasuke had volunteered them for this overnight gaurding. Naruto had wanted to go back home to Hinata hours ago. 

   "It is not my fault that they decided the teams should stick together. I just want to keep my family from getting to her. Is that really worth you getting mad at me over? Don't you want to protect her too?" I asked him. 

   "I do. I just don't want to anger Hinata by never coming home again. As soon as the sun comes up will will be back to patrolling the village so I won't even see her again until tomorrow night. I am not you. I actually have someone at home that I need to come home to at night." Naruto spat, pushing the wrong buttons. 

   "Don't go there! The only one I will ever want to come home to is currently in bed with my brother. I blew my shot with that girl years ago and yet I can't get over her. So no, I don't have someone to go home to and frankly I hope I never do." I said angrily. 

   Naruto watched Sasuke with sad eyes, obviously upset that he had pushed that button. He knew his feelings for the pinkette and yet still made fun of Sasuke for it. He had the woman of his dreams and Sasuke was stuck on the sidelines, watching his with the man of hers. 

   "I apologize, Sasuke. I'll go ahead to the tent and get some sleep. Wake me if anything happens or when it is my turn." Naruto said as he zipped up the tent.

    Tsunade glared at Itachi from across the table. She was obviously mad at something, but Itachi had no clue about what. 

   "There have been to many attempts from you clan. They are pushing the limit and they know it. I am shocked they have not contacted you or Sakura directly as a scare tactic." Tsunade stated. 

   "My father is not the kind of man to give up on something easily. He will more than likely pursue her until he dies. The entire clan probably will. That seal is something he wishes to possess so bad that he will stop at nothing to have it." Itachi stated. 

   "Your father is a fool. The seal is something that takes years of work to obtain. Training yourself to store chakra and use only what you havent stored. It is not something that is given by birth. Of course, Sakura's chakra control and amount of chakra she has is something they would want but that isn't the reason they want her. They hope children from her and an Uchiha will automatically be born with the seal. He is a damn fool." Tsunade stated.

   "I agree with you. I have tried to inform my father of the facts but he just doesn't listen to anyone. He has his mind made up." Itachi stated. 

   Hours passed by before Itachi was able to leave Tsunade's office. He was glad that Sakura also had the chance to leave the house. Tsunade had assigned her to work as her assistant after Shizune's leave. It was a way for Tsunade to keep her close and give her a way to keep her safe. I was also keeping her safe. We had bonded over a fight. A fight that had spilled blood. We had a tie that tied us together, the color of crimson. Our Crimson Tie. There was no one in the world who would be able to sever it. 

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