Chapter Nineteen: A New Enemy

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"Now what?"

That question was ringing through the prince's mind as soon as Jason asked it. Now what were they going to do now that Piper—and the map—were gone? Nico felt no further purpose in persuing the treasure they had sought for the past week. After all, they had no guidance toward the fortune, as it was lost to the dark waves.

They were a good league and a half away from where Piper had saved their lives. Nico had calmed down a little after Percy had held him, crying as well. He felt better knowing that Percy did not want to run away, but there was nothing he could do about it. He did not wish death upon the outgoing siren, he wanted to save her. He did not want to leave her behind, but, instead, he wished not to lose more of his crew. He already lost Hazel, and now Piper. Two amazing people everyone loved; they were mere memories now.

"I do not know," Annabeth spoke sadly.

The mood that had enveloped the ship was as morose as the mist surrounding them as they fled at a steady speed, the water sloshing quietly around the ship as it navigated through the murky sea, the ship rocking with constant movement that Nico was used to now. The soft sounds calmed him slightly, as well.

Nico's cheeks still felt puffy and stiff from the remnants of tears that were left on his face. Percy took a look at him and regretted being angry at him. He fully acknowledged Nico was impulsive: scarily so.

However, Nico was not just another thing he needed to protect (he was fully capable of that himself), Nico was his light in the darkness. He was the one that made him feel happy, despite the countless pressure being forced upon his shoulders. Piper was gone now. He did not want to lose anyone else, especially Nico.

However, he knew he needed to say something to his crew. He was the captain, after all.

"Now, we need to learn how to fend on our own," Percy spoke. "As we know, Piper is no longer with us. We will need to prepare meals for ourselves now. Jason, I appoint you to galley-duty. We'll see where to go from there."

"Yes, Captain," the remaining crew answered in unison.

"Now, Jason, crow's nest, watch out for anyone who might have followed us. Annabeth, to the helm. Keep alert, in case if Jason spots anything. Everyone else, get some rest until called for."

"Yes, Captain."

"Percy, I'm sorry—" Nico began.

"No, don't apologize," Percy told him, reaching for Nico's hand and raveling it in his own. "I understand."

"But I said something I shouldn't have." Nico gripped Percy's hand tighter. "I'm sorry."

Percy merely smiled at him before cupping the prince's chin with his free hand and leaning down to connect his lips to Nico's. Nico immediately kissed back, moving his other hand to the nape of the captain's neck. His lips were as soft as Nico remembered to be, but the distinct flavor of salt on his tongue was stronger than previous times they had shared kisses.

"We should get some rest," Percy said once Nico discontinued the kiss. "After all, it has been a long and eventful day. Come, love."

Nico agreed and followed the captain to their lodging for the night.

- - - - -

"Before boarding, please give your name, and age," ordered a knight standing on the wooden docks in the harbor, in which a fleet of eight ships were docked.

Lines of men and boys above thirteen were being escorted onto their ships, to find and recover the prince of Italy, under King Hades's orders.

"Charles Beckendorf. Seventeen."

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