Chapter Twenty-Five: A Garden of Statues

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While the witch slept, Percy held Nico close to him, kissing his hair and reveling in the scent and warmth that he had so greatly missed. Nico, content in Percy's embrace, soon fell into repose. The captain smiled down at his sleeping lover before carrying him over to a wall of the cave and settling him down in a comfortable position. He then fetched his blanket that had protected himself from the cold and draped it over his lover's sleeping form. He kneeled down to press a slight kiss to his ear, then found his own resting place near Calypso.

Despite the deep feeling of foreboding that loomed over the crew, mostly everyone slumbered in the cave. Hazel, of course, could not sleep. She stared at the dark, stone ceiling as she pondered over the whole ordeal that had befallen them all.

As she closed her golden eyes to attempt sleep, they opened again in realization. She crawled onto her knees and scanned around the cave to find Percy's sleeping figure as her eyes adjusted to the darkness.

Soon enough, after crawling through the sea of sleeping pirates, she found her captain, sleeping nearby the witch that had imprisoned them. Her mind raced from her idea, but she was wary of the witch, as she did not know whether or not she was sleeping.

"Percy," Hazel whispered, whilst shaking the sleeping captain's shoulder.

The groggy man woke by her action, rubbing his sleep-filled eyes before turning to face the young girl.

"Aye?" he whispered back with a voice heavy with exhaustion.

"I've realized something," Hazel whispered excitedly. "She plans on turning us into statues, aye?"

"I believe so."

"And if she wishes to do as such, then she must have stone magic. Possessing stone magic implies she has elemental magic, and elemental magic has weaknesses."

"But isn't elemental magic rare?"

"You practiced in water magic before, haven't you not?"

"Yes, but that was years ago, Hazel."

"Anyone could have practiced in elemental magic, and Calypso must have lots of practice in elemental magic. The petrification magic is a type of air magic."

"I suppose you're right."

"As you know, elemental magic can be nullified by other types of elemental magic. Water magic nullifies fire and earth magic. The stone magic that is used to create living statues and turn living creatures into stone, as well as true alchemy, such as turning metals into gold, are types of earth magic."

"But I am not sure if I can still use water magic, Hazel."

"It's worth a shot, Percy. Please, or we will be turned into statues. I know that you stalled her turning us into statues so you could think of a plan overnight. You're not alone, we can help you come up with a plan, you know. You have a habit of trying to come up with plans on your own. Let me help."

"You're right," Percy sighed in defeat. "I will try my best."

Hazel smiled at him before wrapping her arms around him.

"Thank you, Percy."

He smiled at the young girl before hugging her back. He was grateful he knew her. She contributed so much to the crew. She was practically a younger sister to him. She believed that she owed him, but in all honesty, Percy believed that he owed her.

She pulled away from him and gave him a smile masked by darkness before she crawled back over to her so-called-sleeping area. She frowned at the shadowy figure of the witch who threatened her family. She would make her pay, eventually, she told herself.

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