Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Alliance

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Queen Bellona of Spain was as beautiful as she was intimidating. Her dark hair was pulled upwards, her thin features giving her a stern countenance. Her eyes held fury as she paced the throne room.

"Mother?" called a voice from the corridor.

It belonged to her daughter, Princess Reyna, who was speculated to be one of the most beautiful princesses Spain had to offer. Her dark hair cascaded down her shoulders in waves. Her skin was a dark caramel and her voice like velvet. Her obsidian eyes were as intimidating as her mother's, but they held a sort of beauty that princesses from other countries envied.

"Yes?" she asked, her tone frustrated. "Yes, Reyna? I'm occupied."

"Is this about the postponement?" Reyna asked as she elegantly and gracefully strode into the room. The rich fabric of her dress kissed the stone floor as she entered.

"Yes. This is the third time now. He should get his impertinent son in order, or I will do it myself. King Hades and his promises of peace and order. It is all lies. All of it."

"Yes, Mother, but haven't you heard?"

"Heard what? Reyna, you're not one for frivolous gossip..."

"It's not frivolous, Mother. The Prince of Italy was captured."

The Queen was silent, her full lips pursed in contemplation. "By whom?"

"Pirates. He was on a ship headed to England, and it was intercepted. They've sent their entire fleet to recover him."

"How did you hear of this?"

"A courier this morning, Mother," she offered her mother the paper she held in her delicate hands. The Queen accepted it, and her dark eyes skimmed over the words.

"So it's true," she muttered. Emitting a resigned sigh, the Queen of Spain gave the message back to her daughter and continued to pace the room. "If that King of Italy would've explained the situation..."

Reyna shook her head. "It would not have changed, Mother."

She was right, Bellona knew. However, she was angered by his deceitful mannerisms.

"Perhaps we should help them, then, Mother, as we are both affected by this debacle."

Queen Bellona considered it. "If we did, then we would be defenseless in the sea. We've already lost ships. The pirates are relentless, Reyna. We must do everything we can to prevent Spain from being terrorized."

"Then what of our union, Mother?"

"We can spare a few ships, I suppose. I'll send a letter to the King of Italy quickly."

Reyna seemed pleased to hear it. "Thank you."

The princess excused herself and returned to her room to unpack her belongings.

- - - - -

The celebration of Piper's return lasted until almost daybreak. The air smelled of alcohol and food and the night was filled with the energetic, cheerful sounds of Tyson's drums and Bramble's panpipes, along with the sound of clinking rum bottles and laughter.

Percy danced with Nico, who was past tipsy at this point, but he wasn't in danger of throwing up yet. He staggered in his steps, but Percy kept him upright. Nico obediently followed Percy's steps and maneuvers, laughing along with the others. Piper and Jason also had joined them in dance, stepping jovially across the decks of the Black Coral.

Hazel smiled over at Frank, who blushed. Piper, who had too much to drink, teased them both.

Their family had finally been reunited, and for the first time in months, they were whole again.

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