Chapter Twenty-Two: Imprisoned By a Love That Once Was

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Once Nico gained consciousness, he felt the searing pain ripping down his side. He gasped at the excruciating sensation.

Once the pain subsided slightly, he attempted to open his eyes, but his eyelids felt as if they were cemented down. When he was able to tear his eyelids open, all that his vision would allow him to see were blurry colors that made his head spin.

He closed his eyes again from the nausea and lolled his head to the side, greeting the comfort of one of Percy's pillows. Once he felt that the ground wasn't moving rapidly underneath him, he opened his eyes once more. He saw the healer, Will, at his bedside, placing objects back into a medical case. He smiled once he saw the prince had awoken.

"Good morning, Your— um, Nico."

It all felt like a flash flood as he remembered the wicked turn of events that brought him into his state. He sat up quickly before wincing. The healer, alarmed, helped Nico back into a resting position that seemed the least painful.

Will had treated his wounds, at least for now. He gritted his teeth as he endured the searing pain of the stab wound he had received from their new-old enemy. He was tempted to feel at his bandages but he knew he would regret doing so.

"Where's— Where's Percy..."

"All in good time, Your Highness," was the response the prince received.

"It's Nico, for one, and where is he? Is he here?"

"Try not to worry too much, Nico," Will warned. "It will strain your—"

"I do not give a single care about my wound," Nico shouted, his voice straining. "Where the hell is he? I want to see him."

"I cannot have him see you at the moment." Will's eyes were full of pity.

"He's seen me in this condition before," Nico argued. "Why will you not let me see him? I think it would help him worry less."

"He already saw you earlier, as you were unconscious," Will told him, hoping the prince would cease his prying and arguing if he told him a little lie. "He told me to keep you in here until you're better. Now, Hazel will fetch you food every now and then. It will be light, of course."

Nico nodded disappointedly. He wanted to see his love, to tell him he was going to be fine and for him to keep him company. He buried his back into the silken sheets, falling back into a deep sleep before he could register closing his eyes.

Will looked upon the sleeping prince. He wasn't too pale, which was a relief. As he checked on the prince, he saw that everything was going well. He was thankful the captain got Nico to him quickly, or else he might have gotten a serious infection.

As he saw everything was normal, the healer stepped out of the Captain's Quarters. As he walked through the door and closed it behind him, the rest of the crew huddled around him, asking concerned questions about the prince.

"He is doing well, given his wound," answered Will. "I believe it would be in everyone's self-interest, yours, mine, and Nico's, that no one is to mention the Captain's absence."

They all stared at the ground in mourning of their late captain. Surely, he possibly could not have been dead, but it was painful to have high hopes in times like this.

"Aye," the crew agreed unanimously, albeit grimly.

"Aye," Will repeated. "Now if you beg my pardon, I shall be taking my leave to get some rest." He strode around the crew to get down to his cot in the sleeping quarters.

- - - - -

Percy woke with a start, only to tug at his binds. He was sitting in a small pool of crystalline water, cold, metal shackles trapping his arms and legs, loosely, yet he couldn't shake them off of him. His confines bit his skin with every pull he made. He examined his bound wrists and ankles and followed the chain links they were connected to. They were bound to a sharp, jagged rock that stood tall and menacingly.

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