Chapter Twenty-Four: A Witch's Blessing

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As Nico had always known, the sea could be merciless at times. He was reminded of this fact once Annabeth had misdirected the ship into a dark, hazardous cove that proved hindering, as there were pointy rocks scattered everywhere, and as much as he trusted her skill in sailing and boats, he doubted that they could pass that area with longboats, let alone the entire ship.

"I am not sure that this is the place," Nico told her.

The blonde narrowed her eyes at the prince.

"Of course it is," she snapped back at him. "I followed the map."

"Are you sure you followed the map correctly?"

"I beg your pardon," she asked with a incredulous tone. "Are you doubting me?"

"No, of course not," he lied. "Well, perhaps, a little, but with high regards."

"It looks like the place on the map," Annabeth barked back at him. "I directed us to it. Now, if you are doubtful of my abilities, why do you not accomplish the task, since I am so incompetent."

She shoved the painted map into his hands, while he looked at her with shocked eyes.

"I did not mean that!" Nico argued. "I do not know how to—"

His attention was yanked away as he saw something move in his peripheral vision. He looked down at the paper in his hands, seeing two marks on it. One was blue, the other was red. They were similar in appearance to little arrows, but the blue one was moving.

"Annabeth, the map is moving," he told her.

She snatched the map out of his hand and peered down upon it. "Have you lost your mind? Nothing is moving. It is only a map. A simple, inanimate object."

Nico gestured for her to give it back at him, and she obeyed. Once it was back in his grip, the arrows appeared again.

"Do you see them now?" Nico turned his body in a different direction, resulting in the red arrow moving in response. He turned around further to prove his thoughts. "I think we are the red arrow, and Percy is the blue one. He is not very far from us, according to the map."

"Why, it only appears when you hold it," Annabeth commented, puzzled and frustrated. "May I?"

Nico nodded and handed it to her. "Of course."

The arrows disappeared again, causing Annabeth to frown.

"Just as I thought," she muttered. "Your Highness, did the witch say anything to you before we departed?"

Nico thought for a moment before nodding. "Rachel told me to take care of him for her."

"A witch's blessing," Annabeth told him. "As much as it may inconvenience you, we have no choice but to have you direct us there."

Nico nodded, albeit reluctantly. "I will try my best."

Annabeth smiled at him and led him to helm to give her directions, which was a relief, for he thought he would have to sail the ship himself. Nico had been nervous, as he had no previous experiences at the helm.

- - - - -

Another week had passed, and Percy had begun to doubt the arrival of his crew and his love. He had plenty to eat, but he could not bear to consume any of it. The witch had grown concerned of the object of her affections and instead used spells to nourish him, but he still appeared despondent and forlorn.

She thought her actions of love might have swayed him, but now she was concerned for him. She soon set it aside, for she knew that Percy would come to love her eventually. He was merely getting over a loss, and she knew he would recover soon enough.

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