Chapter 2 - Into the Mortal World

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A week had passed since the attack by Vendecliffe's group. It was revealed that Vendecliffe had an army of dark wizards that stained Aerstelle with dark magic.

    Now, some parts of Aerstelle turned into lifeless forests with a nauseating aura. The kingdom managed to stand up  and the king was still in recovery.

"Its only been a week but there are already sightings of dark magic," Leighton said.

"Aerstelle is the kingdom of light. This world lives within the light. How exactly did this happen?" Kieran asked pertaining to the dark magic.

"As you've said before, Lord Kieran, Aerstelle is the kingdom of light. This was built by our ancestors to maintain the upperhand of the good. Walls were made to secure the whole kingdom so no dark force can come in. But Vendecliffe managed to destroy those protective walls and let the dark mages come through." General Evandro of the Defense Ministry said.

As a reactive strategy from the attack, the king, in the person of Prince Leighton summoned the leaders of every ministry in the kingdom. This included Lord Kieran from the Magic Ministry, General Evandro of the Defense Ministry, Lady Mina of the Education Ministry, Prosecutor Jin Woo of the Law Governing Ministry and Duke Lavaridge of the Business and Trade Ministry. These five Ministries represent the living of the kingdom and are all under the power of the royal family, which is the highest ministry.

"Only a dark magic powerful enough to destroy the walls can do such thing. But what magic could it be?" Prosecutor Jin Woo asked.

"A storm cloud mayhaps? I've heard about it in books. It is an enchantment that calls forth a storm cloud of darkness that rains down the caster's target." said Lady Mina, the only woman in the Round Table.

"The enemies are getting more powerful by the second. The kingdom should not tolerate this act and proceed with a counterattack." Duke Lavaridge said punching the table in front.

"If we retaliate, we'll only curtail the time left before the next war begins. I have a bad feeling Vendecliffe would come back as soon as he gathers his troops." Prince Leighton said.

It took the whole day before the meeting was adjourned. Leighton went back to check on the king but was surprised when he met him along the way.

"Father, what brought you here? Shouldn't you be in bed right now? Your body's still recovering from your previous fight." Leighton was quick to walk his father.

"I can still manage. Don't worry. Anyway, what happened to the meeting?" King Cashmir inquired.

"We talked about Vendecliffe's actions. As for now our main focus is restoring the protective walls. Kieran already took care of it." The two talked for quite some time before the king finally decided to rest. But what caught his attention is what the king said to him.


"Leighton, we won't win the next war. I saw it, Vendecliffe's plans, his army and his power. It is far beyond my control. Unless we find the white pearl. It is a crystal of light with the absolute power to overcome the darkness. It is the only weapon we can use on par of Vendecliffe's black pearl. This was his source of power. When we were fighting I saw how he used it." the king's words remained in his mind.

"Where is the white pearl? I thought it was a myth?"

The king grinned. "You've seen Kieran's powers and they're real. Myths are all true. They were just called that so people would not pry on looking for them and obtaining them. Anyone would die just to get Kieran's powers. It is a very powerful myth."

"Where is it now?" Leighton asked.

"Its in the mortal world. When the two pearls separated from each other, it created a massive explosion that caused it to be thrown into the realm of mortals, and the other into the realm of darkness. That's why I'm asking you to take my place and rule the kingdom while I go look for the white pearl." the king held Leighton's arm.

"W-what?! No! You're not going to the mortal world. You're old and can't run fast and.... No offense" Leighton was quick to take back his words. "All I'm saying is that, Father, you can't leave the kingdom. Let me take the mission instead. I'll find the white pearl and bring it here."

"I can do just fine. Are you even sure of what you're saying. From what I know, you do not like taking jobs." his father squinted his eyes on him.

"No, father, I'm willing to take it. I'm going to find the white pearl and save the kingdom before the second war begins. Now go to sleep, Papa." Leighton said. It was quite some time since he last called him by 'Papa'.


The next day, Leighton went to Kieran's house to ask for help, and luckily he agreed. The two packed up their things and prepared for their journey.

"Its not like its our first time to the mortal world, right?" Kieran jokingly said. Leighton just laughed at what he said. When they arrived at the portal which was a lake, they quickly dove and as the moonlight lit the waters, they were in the mortal world.

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