Chapter 14 - Light

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"As long as we live, we'll protect the world from evil. We'll protect it from you." Kieran bravely said as the other four join him side by side.

The battle continues between Vendecliffe and the descendants of light. Neither of the two sides backing down from the other, obviously determined to win.

But it looks like the black pearl's power is no joke at all, seeing how the descendants looked after receiving it's attacks.

Blood drips for Kieran's mouth, from Ellaina's forehead, Leighton, who had a deep cut on his abdomen; Mina holds her broken left arm tightly while Jin Woo' right ankle was severely sprained.

"We will never give up," Kieran said.

"NEVER!" the five of the said.

Suddenly, the white pearl started glowing again and the five were enveloped with golden light just like before, but just, different.

Ellaina and her friends were somehow transported from somewhere far from Vendecliffe.

There was nothing but blinding light, when a voice echoed all over the place.

"I see your hearts so pure of goodness inside. It is only fitting that you be the descendants of the white pearl.

I can sense exhaustion and pain from you. But fear not. For it is that misery that fuels your desire to persevere even more.

Pain is not a cliff hindering you to run forward. Rather, it is a motivational push that tells you to soar up high and fly over it.

Go forth, I bestow upon you the power of the white pearl."

And then the light disappeared, revealing the descendants standing on the ground, clad with white and gold armor similar to that of Ellaina's E'clair form.

"You think by changing your clothes you can defeat me? No one stands a chance against the black pearl!" Vendecliffe said.

"No one does, but together, we all can," Jin Woo said.

"If we can't beat you one at a time, then we'll just have to unite as one," Leighton added.

"Nonsense! Inferno!" Vendecliffe summoned a flurry of dark flames.

"Sacred Fountain!" Leighton summoned gigantic torrents of water that flooded the whole place, extinguishing the flames.

"I-impossible! How could you defend against that?!" Vendecliffe was taken aback.

"Within us dwells the magic of the white pearl. it's not just our magic anymore," Mina said.

"It's sacred magic. Holy Spark!" Ellaina said and then from the skies, a series of white lightning rained down and struck Vendecliffe head on.

"Luminous Arrows!" a version of her Shining Arrows but this time, Mina's arrows were emanating golden flames.

Her attack landed a direct hit onto Vendecliffe, sending him flying away, but another attack followed the other.

"Archangel Miguel! Fist Chorus of Heaven!" Jin Woo assaulted Vendecliffe with a series of punches and blows that paralyzed the enemy's body.

"Taste the ultimate punishment, Celestial Judgement!" Kieran drew a magic circle in his front that enveloped Vendecliffe's body and created an explosion from within.

The combination of their attacks plus the gifted magic of the white pearl completely beat the slave of darkness. Vendecliffe was left lying on the ground unconscious.

"Did...did we beat him?" Jin Woo asked while looking at the enemy's body.

Mina slumped to the ground and drew a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness."

"It's finally over now, right Kieran?" Ellaina said pertaining to Kieran.

"Y-yeah but look at the place. It's deserted and...completely destroyed," Kieran sadly said as he looked at his surroundings.

Leighton stood up and cheerfully walked in front, not minding his injuries.

"I think this is my real time to shine! Elemental Magic! Air! Water! Earth! And fire! Make this land a worthy place to admire!"

And from his feet, silvery light emanated and covered the whole Aerstelle with light and bringing back the once rich soil, clear-blue water, fresh air and the morning sun.

Slowly, the townspeople gathered and gave them a warm round of applause, happiness evident on their faces as the bloody battle has come to an end.

"It really is over now," Kieran said before taking a step and hugged the four tightly.

"We did it."


Lord, please hear my prayer...
Let them see the world and live their lives freely with their family.
Grant them strength to fight the illness hindering their selves.
I only want what's best for them...

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