Chapter 6 - Just in Time

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Its been two days since the group obtained the white pearl. Mina and Jin Woo stayed in the mortal world and trained their magics to fight. Word has spread that Vendecliffe gathered an army and prepares for another attack.

"I didn't know I'd be needing all the offensive magics I studied in books." Mina said as she stared at the moon.

"Well, I only fight when I'm in court. But now, we're going to lead our kingdom to fight." Jin Woo said but Mina seems to be preocuppied that she didn't hear what he said.

"Mina are you alright?" Jin Woo inquired but was soon alarmed when he saw what Mina was looking at. A large cloud of Death Wasps are swarming all over the sky.

"What in the world is...." Jin Woo didn't finish his sentence when Mina grabbed his hand and hid under the table. The Death Wasps started shooting poison stings at them. The other three were soon informed by the sound of breaking glasses.

"Death Wasps!" shouted Ellaina.

"Mina! Jin Woo! Come quickly! Are you okay?" Kieran said after pulling the two under the table.

"They already managed to come in! !" Leighton started shooting lighting at the death wasps. But it seems to just invited the other death wasps and surrounded them.

"Cetus!" Kieran created a water barrier that defended them from the poison stings.

"We're being surrounded!" Mina exclaimed.

"Kieran! Leighton!" Jin Woo shouted at the two, who understood what he meant. Kieran put his arm on Ellaina's waist while Leighton prepares for a surpirse attack. Jin Woo enveloped his left arm on Mina's waist as well, as he raises his right fist in the air.

"Steel God, Adamantine!" then he puched the floor they were in that created a hole.

"Fly! Boots of Pegasus!"
"Wind, Gather around!"

"Mina, little help here!" Jin Woo shouted at Mina who was in his arms. Mina got the idea and freed her fairy wings on her back. Kieran was still holding Ellaina by her waist, while Leighton attacks the death wasps that try to come near them. Jin Woo busted out the floor of the second part of the house and exited on the first floor. There were so many attacking them that they had to take cover.

"Gracious, Jin Woo! Y-your heavy!" Mina complained as she carried Jin Woo, who was still in his Adamantine form. Jin Woo transformed to his original self to let loose of his weight. They landed on a bridge where there are no death wasps. Meanwhile, screams can be heard from the people who were still attacked by the monsters.

"We need to help them!" Ellaina said to them.

"We need to find the queen and destroy it. That way, it'll be over." Leighton said.

"I'll go find the queen and kill it. The rest of you help the people in the town." Jin Woo instructed them.

"I'm going with you. The enemy is airborne, so you need someone to fly you up in the air," Mina insisted. Jin Woo only nodded and the group split up.

Kieran, Leighton and Ellaina went back to the town to rescue the people. Corpses are already spread throughout the streets and some are being chased by the death wasps. Meanwhile, Mina and Jin Woo went to the hive where the death wasps' queen resides. At the entrance of the hive death wasps started attacking them.

"Shining Arrows!" Mina shoot countless light-covered arrows at the death wasps as Jin Woo prepares to attack.

"Cruel Goddess of Love and War, Ishtar!" Jin Woo chanted as he transformed his clothes into a purple robe and holding an indigo scythe. He lashed out onto an army of death wasps and destroyed them in one blow. Mina went over Jin Woo and flew inside the hive. As they passed by death wasp guards, Jin Woo lashes out his scythe to protect them from the stings until they reached the center of the hive. The death wasp queen was a large death wasp that towers above them. Suddenly, the queen spit out a venom towards them.

Mina was quick to dodge it while still carrying Jin Woo. She flew onto the queen's back as she gave Jin Woo an opening to attack. Jin Woo was about to deliver a blow when the queen's arm extended at the back and hitting them in process.

"Aaahh!" shouted Mina as she hit through the walls on the cave. Jin Woo was quick to tend to her but the queen had hit Jin Woo on his stomach that sent him flying over the ceiling.

"Jin Woo!!!" enraged by this, Mina stood up faced the queen. She raised her right hand and glowing pink light emanated from her arm.

"Oh, valley of light that guides the fairies. Shine and destroy the fangs of evil!" Mina then faced her fist onto the queen. "FAIRY GLITTER!"

And a pink silvery disk enveloped the queen and dealt heavy damage. Just as the queen fell over, Mina didn't know it wasn't over yet as a surprise attack confronted her. The attacker was about to stab Mina when Jin Woo intercepted the sword with his scythe, just in time. He sent the attacker flying away from them, then he turned to Mina, who was astounded as to what happened.

"Are you okay?" worry evident in Jin's voice as he held Mina's shoulders. Mina snapped out of her trance when she saw the attacker about to land another blow behind Jin. She released her wings and carried Jin away from the attacker. She let go of Jin Woo and faced the attacker.

"Spear of light that pierces through all. Fairy Spear!" Mina summoned a golden spear adorned with a pair of cute wings on either side of the blade. She then proceeded in attacking the enemy head on. She slashes her spear but the enemy was quick to dodge. When Mina almost landed a blow, her spear hit the floor and pierced through it, disallowing Mina to move her spear. The attacker saw this as an opening and as it was about to attack Mina, Jin came crashing onto the enemy with a headbutt.

"Damn!" the enemy said. They recognized the attacker as Gertrude, Vendecliffe's sister. She lashed out on the two again but Mina and Jin Woo managed to evade her attacks.

"I should be on your places right now! You all don't deserve your positions! Dark Zombies, arise!" and an army of undead appeared from below the ground. The two didn't waste time and took out the zombies.

"Shining Arrows!" Mina shot the zombies with her arrows while Jin slashed them with his scythe.
"Die you all!" Gertrude said as she pointed her blade upwards.
"Oh, Great Spirit Illuminating the Heavens, Amaterasu!" Jin Woo's appearance turned into a golden armored god. "Sun Rage!" And Jin Woo shot out a laser of yellow beam upon Gertrude that incapacitated  at her.
The two went back to the town and looked for Kieran and the others. There they saw dead death wasps on the ground. The moment they killed the queen all death wasps died.
"Mina! Jin Woo!" Leighton called as they approached them.
"You did it! You beat the queen!" Ellaina happily said.
"Yeah, great job guys, now we must save our world." Kieran said as they all pass throught the lunar gate and into the magic realm.

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