Part 34: The New Horizon

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Evelynn then saw Elsa and Lux went on the entrance hall and she called the others to see were the two headed. "Could it be them?" Lux said as she went downstairs. "Who's them, Lux?" Elsa asked. "The other Star Guardians." Lux answered. They were just in time when the comet fell on the entrance hall. "Sure is. Just as we saw the five of you... Not even a single debris on the spot where the five had landed." Elsa said.

The five comets contains four females and one male who were unconscious. "Oh no... Not THEM!!!" Lux said. "Why is it Lux?" Elsa asked. "Those Star Guardians were showoffs." Janna remarked. "Especially their leader, Ahri." Lulu said. "Don't tell me the she has the same attitude as Regina George..." Elsa said. "Yep, that's definitely the incarnation of Regina right there..." Jinx said.

Elsa then slapped her face in disapproval. "They're not going to show their attitude while I'm around." Lux said. "They'd better..." Elsa said. "Well, mom's having a hard time with Regina once..." Shiela said. "So that's why she's like that. Thanks, Aunt Shiela..." Poppy said. "Alright, let's get this over with." Ahri said as she woke up making Elsa to slap herself, again. "She's Regina alright... Definitely her..." Elsa said to herself.

"Hello, Lux... Nice to see you again." Ahri said as she held her hand out. Lux was about to shake her hand when she suddenly moved her hand showing her plastic attitude. "Just kidding... So, how's your duty?" Ahri said. "I'm fine." Lux said showing her Fire attitude. Good thing, Elsa calmed her down by holding her hand. "So where did you get your outfit? Better not from something that is... you know..." Ahri said. "If you're going to comment about my current status, you've better watch your mouth." Lux said. The two then locked their eyes in intense rivalry fashion.

 The two then locked their eyes in intense rivalry fashion

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"Better chill out, Lux. Let me handle this." Elsa said as she drags Lux away from Ahri. "Listen you famed slut. I've just heard that you're really bullying my friend here, but I'm going to to say to you. If you think that you're more plastic than any of us, don't even step up to me..." Elsa said. Elsa then left but she told the others in plastic manner. "That's the most fetish, most whore outfit I've ever seen." Elsa said.

"Totally..." Everyone said making Ahri to disgust Elsa more than Lux. "Well then," Elsa returns to Ahri. "Here's your keys..." Elsa said and showed her the keys to their room. "Oops... My hand slipped..." Elsa said as she dropped the keys on purpose. Elsa then showed her plastic side to Ahri, making Lux to smile a bit. Elsa then went back to Lux. "Let's go, Lux... We will be doing something, right?" Elsa said to Lux. "Yeah..." Lux said. "Okay then, see ya later, girls." Elsa said and the two leaves.

The Star Guardians went on their way, except Ahri's Team. "If they think they're more plastic than me, we'll see..." Ahri said. "Let's go guys." she added and went to their rooms. "Well then, we have to pack out our things and meet me at the hall later." Ahri said. "Yes mam" says her team.

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