Part Three

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This does contain Mature Language ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! :)

[Edited on 23/10/2019]



I leave the pub about 2pm and go back to my tiny apartment. When I walk inside, I am immediately confronted by my 'Dad'. "Where the fuck, have you been?" He shouts at me angrily before chugging some cheap beer. "I-I was at the Black Prince." I stutter nervously, afraid that he will hurt me again. He looks at me disgusted then spits some of his drink whilst replying. "I told you, not to leave before I wake up!" He shouts then slaps me. I hold my cheek whilst tears stream down my face. I run to my room but he follows. Ungrateful drunk bastard.

I attempt to slam the door shut but he catches his foot in the way. He bursts in throwing his beer away on the floor. I panic but then remember what my mother told me. If I'm ever in trouble call the number on your necklace. I grab my necklace from inside my jumper while trying to escape my step-dad around the room. A lady answers politely and calm. "Welcome, How May I help you?" She asks me as my step-Dad charges at me quickly. I scream into the phone, "He's going to kill me!" Then duck out of his way  and run back into the living room area.

The lady replies weirdly calm "I'm sorry but you are not a customer and we cannot help you." I shout into the phone, "What the fuck?!" Then remember what to say "Oxfords not Brogues!" I hear a deafening silence whilst running around the room. "Thank you calling, we hope we have not lost a valuable customer." Still in a calm voice, not panicked by the fact I have shouted he will kill me. What was that? Earl lunges towards me, resulting in me falling backwards and hitting my head on the poorly made coffee table. My eyesight starts going dark but then I see a Man knock down the door and I notice it is Harry before I fully blackout.


I'm in the training room, fighting Roxy when Merlin gracefully enters the room with his tablet, typing into it. "Ah, Eggsy, there you are." He comments as he looks up. I look over distracted then Roxy goes to punch me in the face but I catch her fist and pull her arm behind her back then flip her onto her back on the floor. I walk off the foam mat and wipe the sweat off my forehead with my arm. "What did you want Merlin?" I ask before drinking some water.

"Well, If you must know..." he pauses then continues "Your friend Elizabeth, is with Harry in the infirmary." He replies calmly. I choke on my water shocked, Oh my god! Lizzie! I forgot that she was back home with Earl! I drop my water bottle and run out of the room down the hall to the infirmary, leaving Roxy and Merlin looking slightly stunned.


I rush into the infirmary and see her laying on a hospital bed unconscious, with an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. I walk over and carefully sit on the side of the bed. I pick up her hand and hold it in mine. Oh god, why did I leave her? I was so busy with training and saving the world from Valentine I forgot to take her away from Earl. I see her perfect face look so calm but also notice all the bruises on her face and visible skin that the hospital gown isn't covering. I kiss her lovely manicured hand and she squirms unconscious in the bed.

Thanks for reading!
I hope you enjoyed!
:) ;)
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