Part Twelve

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This does contain Mature Language ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! :)
We continue to go through the chest. There are letters addressed to Harry from my Mom, dusty old books with information of my family history, photos and diaries. "Why wouldn't Harry tell me?" I ask depressed. Eggsy crawled over and pulled me into a hug. "I just don't understand. Is he so disappointed in me that he can't even say I'm his daughter?" I sob loudly and Eggsy rubs my back making me feel much better.

"He probably didn't say anything because he wanted to keep you safe incase the agency became comprimised." He replies in a soft tone.

I smile softly and nod. Maybe that is why, maybe he wanted to keep me safe? But either way I have to confront him about it. "I have to say something to him." I say quietly, standing up.

"What now?" Eggsy replies stunned. I'm guessing he didn't think I was going to confront it yet. I nod and then he stands up next to me. "I at least want to be with you when it happens, for support." He gently rubs his hand up and down my back. Which makes me feel a lot more comfortable.

I look deep into his eyes and he leans in... We kiss softly for a short amount of time. I smile like the Cheshire Cat and we walk out of the room to find Harry.

We reach outside Harry's office and both knock weirdly in sync. We hear Harry voice faintly say to enter and we follow his orders. Lizzie walks in first and I shut the door behind me. "How can I help you too?" Harry asks. I stare at Lizzie waiting for her to answer and she just stares at Harry.

He sees that we are covered in drywall and his eyes widen. "Where have you too been?" He asks already knowing the answer.

Lizzie swallows nervously and takes a deep breath "The training room. We found your chest." She replies. He looks shocked but then automatically looks calm seconds later.

"So you know then?" He asks. We both nod at him. "I was wondering how long it would take for you to find out." He comments quietly.

"How could you not tell me?!" Lizzie says growing angry. I try to calm her down but it doesn't help. "You're my father and you didn't bother to even try to be one!" She shouts as she storms out the room. As the door closes you hear Lizzie shout again "You don't even care do you!".

I'm left stood awkwardly in the room with Harry and I just slowly inch towards the door. "I loved her mother very much." Harry says to me quietly.

I sigh loudly "you shouldn't be saying it to me." Then I walk out the room searching for Lizzie. I search everywhere but am unable to find her.

"She's on the roof." One of the butlers says to me as he passes. I thanks him then run up to see Lizzie stood at the edge.

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Sorry that this chapter is really late as I have been very busy lately! :(
Bye :)

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