Part Fifteen

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This does contain Mature Language ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! :)
As I leave my room after Merlin, I see Eggsy before me looking dashing, wearing a navy suit with his Oxford shoes and his glasses. "Wow Liz, you look amazing." He says whilst kissing me on the cheek.

"You look good too Egghead." We both laugh then Merlin leads us toward the front entrance to the mansion. We stand on the concrete path whilst Merlin is talking to us.

"Here you go Elizabeth." He hands me a pair of my own glasses. "Now remember, your shoes have a poisonous knife inside, so no weird steps." He points to my shoes. "Your names are Katherine Stone and Micheal Stone." He finishes speaking and we look at each other.

"We're married?!" We both say at the same time. "Nah Mer. I didn't ask to be married, not like I don't like you though Liz." Eggsy complains.

"Wow, thanks Eggsy that wasn't hurtful at all." I say flatly whilst glaring at him. Merlin guides us to the Jet and we get inside. "Let's do this!" I exclaim happily.

We finally reach America . Lizzie spent most of the plane journey gazing out the window, at all the tiny cities we flew over. "I'm having the best time ever!" Lizzie jumps up and down in her chair.

I chuckle at her "Calm down Lizard." She turns and glares at me and looks out the window again. I hear Lizzie mumble something. "What was that Lizard?" I ask smirking.

"I said, watch your tone Egghead before I slap you into next week." She replies loudly. I start laughing but quickly stop when I realise she wasn't joking.

Merlin appears from the flight deck. "We are Landing in 20 minutes so please refer from killing each other.

"Yes sir!" Me and Lizzie both say at the same time, saluting then laughing loudly. Merlin just glares at us both.

"Alright ya smart arses." He grumbles whilst walking away back into the flight deck. We both laugh at his comment then go back to reading our magazines or eating snacks.

The flight attendant walks up to me smiling quite flirty. "Can I help you with anything? Warm towel? Nice time in the bathroom?" She asks me. I smile at her then see Lizzie behind her glaring at me and her. If looks could kill we'd be six feet under.

"Uh no Thank you I'm taken." I show her the ring on my finger. She smiles still flirty then walks away.

"The fucking bitch." I hear Lizzie mumble and I start chuckling at her. She glares at me then throws a ninja star at me. It misses and hits the chair head right next to my face.

"Where the fuck did you get that from?!" I ask shocked and offended. She smirks sinister.

"Harry, when I was 3. Nevertheless my Mam used to always say that she hated him for it." She replies.

"Jesus... who gets a 3 year old ninja stars?" I say to myself. Lizzie giggles then stands up, reaches over me, grabs the ninja star then stares right into my soul. I gulp them she laughs and sits back down. I love that girl.

We finally land in LA and get off the plain. Merlin stays on the Jet whilst me and Eggsy get  off. We walk through the airport and see a load of guys smiling at staring at Lizzie. It's probably because of the outfit, it makes her look sexier than ever.


"Let's just get to the hotel already

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"Let's just get to the hotel already." I say to Lizzie as she smiles at the lads then laughs at me being jealous. I put my arm over her shoulder and glare at the guys. They all immediately look away. Lizzie blushes then kisses me on the cheek. I smile sexily at her and she swoons. I love LA!

I am finally trying to get back to writing more often!
Especially since it's the Easter holidays!
Thanks for reading!
I try to post often for you guys!  But please do suggest how often I should post! I will try to post that much but I am usually busy!
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Bye :)

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