Part Nineteen

602 11 2

This does contain Mature Language ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! :)
OMG Thank you everyone for the 1000 Reads :) I'm so happy!!
Sorry I took ages to write the finale, I had writers block then I realised that it was Halloween and decided to give it a halloween theme. Sorry this came out late :(
*2 Months later*

I grab the M4 gun, forward roll towards a small metal wall. I shoot rapidly at the various dummies across the train in room. I duck behind the wall as an A.I fires with an AK-47. I reload my weapon and run across the room, shooting quickly at The A.I killing it and ducking behind some fake Cargo. I guess the training room is supposed to be a storage base, something like off of GTA. I used to play the game lots with Eggsy when we were children.

As I quickly look around the room I see there are two A.Is left. I grab my large knife that was strapped to my leg, wait for when the A.Is are facing away then charge at them. I manage to stab one right in the heart as it turns around. I run at the other A.I and climb it like a pole, wrap my legs around it's metal head and flip it onto the floor. Once it is disoriented I slit the wires on its neck. As I stand up and wipe the sweat off of my forehead the alarm sounds.

"Great job Lizzie! You passed." Merlin announces through the speaker. I exit the room and am immediately hugged by Eggsy and Harry. "You beat my personal best." Eggsy says slightly shocked. "I'm very proud of you Elizabeth." Harry smiles. As Eggsy and I leave Merlin and Harry, he scoops me up and carries me to the kitchen.

"You did a great job." He says putting me down. As I walk over to grab a knife to make a sandwich. "Even for someone who was shot." He mumbles. I laugh then put my morbid face on and throw the knife at him, purposely missing his head and sticking into the wall. "Hey!" He shouts shocked. I shrug my shoulders then laugh. "It's been 2 months Eggsy, you can no longer treat me like an old lady." I reply as I take a bite out of my sandwich.

"Well seeing as the 'old lady' doesn't want to be pampered..." he begins to say. "I didn't say I didn't want to be pampered." I smirk at him. "It is Halloween after all tomorrow." I comment, finishing my sandwich. "Is that code for 'Eggsy let's have a Halloween party?" He asks me, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe.." I say walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. He kisses me on the lips and replies "I don't think Harry and Merlin will mind." He grabs my hand and runs out of the kitchen.

****** NEXT DAY ******
Me, Eggsy and some of the staff were setting up the Halloween decorations in the ballroom. I give a decorator a box of bat banners then proceed to hand more fake cobwebs to Eggsy, who was on a ladder. "Does this look spooky enough for you?" He raises an eyebrow at me as he sticks a cobweb with fake spiders on it against the wall. As he climbs down the ladder I give him a peck on the lips "Perfect." I smile happily at him.

"What is this?" Harry asks as he and Merlin enter the room. "This is the beforehand of a Halloween party." I reply handing Eggsy some more cobwebs. "Since when did we throw parties?" Merlin commented in a confusing tone. "Since I arrived, so suck it up." I answered, standing back and looking at the display. "Perfect." I smiled and picked up the box of remaining Halloween supplies. "Make sure to wear a costume tonight." I say knowing that they probably wouldn't. Me and Eggsy exited the ballroom carrying various boxes, leaving Harry and Merlin stood there puzzled.

I'm currently making finishing touches to my witch costume. As I look in the long mirror I am quite proud of my awesome costume and smile happily as I exit the luxurious room. As I open the door I see Eggsy stood in a spooky looking vampire costume, smirking at me. "I want to suck your blood." He says pulling me into a soft kiss. "Well, it seems you have cast a love spell on me." He continues. I smile and kiss him again. "Loving the cape." I commented, lifting up the silk black item of clothing. "Why thank you, I love the sexy witch costume." He grabs my hand and spins me around playfully.

"It's not meant to be that sexy." I pout at him. "It's sexy because, a certain sexy woman is wearing it. Anything you wear is sexy." He smiles and pulls me along the corridor. "Come along witch, we have a party to attend to." I laugh as we hurry down the hallway.

As we enter the ballroom, it looks amazing as I see many agents from around the world attending. I didn't think that many would appear. "Woah, we sure did a great job." Eggsy high fives me and we descend the stair case. As we walk up to Harry and Merlin, it seems they actually listened to me, well only Merlin. Harry is dressed in a regular suit. "I thought I said costume dad?" I ask Harry and he smiles and turns slowly. "I am dressed up, I am 007 aka James Bond." He chuckles. "Seriously, you came as a spy." I stay at him morbidly, then I laugh and shrug. "At least it is a costume." I smile. Merlin is dressed as a robot in a suit. "And what are you Merlin." Eggsy asks raising an eyebrow. "I knew you kids wouldn't understand. I'm a robot butler." He does a robotic dance then walks away. The three of us laugh at him.

It's been a couple of hours and everyone is dancing or drinking happily. Me and Eggsy are currently dancing in the centre of the dance floor, surrounded by various agents. Eggsy grabs my shoulder and leans into my ear "follow me." He continues to dance backwards and walks off the wooden dance floor. I curiously follow him, unaware of his actions. He leads me out of the ballroom and down a few hallways onto a old fashioned balcony.

"Wow this is beautiful." I say as we look across to the front lawn and the colourful sunset. I turn to Eggsy, holding each other's hands. This is the happiest moment in my life. "We have known each other since we were children, we have been there for each other no matter what. I love you Lizzie and I hope to do a thousand more missions with you." I kiss him so quick that I almost head butt him. "I love you too."
Hope you enjoyed the ending! :)
I'm not sure if I will do a second book. If I end up doing one if wont be for a while as I am working on another fan fiction that will be coming out soon. :)

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