Part Five

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This does contain Mature Language ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! :)

Edited: 28/10/2022

Note: Jesus I took a while to continue editing. I keep looking at the writing and grimacing aha, I've decided to keep the story for now. I'm still quite proud with how many viewers this book has gotten compared to my more recent TVD one.



I slipped into a slim short, purple dress with purple strap shoes, gold and purple earrings also a purple clutch purse. Harry must've known I love the colour purple. I grinned at the sentiment. I finished my makeup and putting my hair up in a ponytail before walking out of my room. I was approached by an employee who told me to head to the main study. I knocked on the door and heard somebody say 'come in'. As I entered and saw Harry, Merlin and Eggsy all stood in the centre of the room drinking whiskey in posh attire, I wondered what they were talking about before I entered as they all looked at me. They had seemed to be in deep conversation. Merlin had no emotion on his face as he greeted me, meanwhile Harry has a proud look on his. Eggsy on the other hand, looked shocked and his mouth was wide open which made me blush.

"Looking fit Lizzie." He compliments me. I laughed as I stood next to them. I noticed Harry glare at him from the corner of my eye. Why? Merlin handed me a glass of rosé and they begin discussing a topic about the agency. I don't pay attention because I'm too busy staring at Eggsy. How have I never noticed how cute he can be? Just the small details, from the dimples when he smiles to the impeccable suit he wore. I suddenly heard a cough which interrupted my thoughts and I looked straight at Harry, feeling rather embarrassed. I displayed a shy smile, before making sure to listen to the conversation.


Lizzie had just entered the room looking stunning. My jaw dropped uncontrollably from the sight of her. I told her she looked fit then received a glare from Harry. What crawled up his arse and died? Merlin began to talk about all the new recruits in the agency and how they will be sent off to do simple missions whilst we deal with the big ones. Harry continued talking to Merlin before looking towards Lizzie, I could see out of the corner of my eye that she is looking at me. Why? Do I have something on my face? It made me self-consciously wipe my face before Harry coughed blatantly and she snapped back to reality.

"Ok, So you three need to attend the dinner tonight in the dining hall and there we will obviously discuss the latest mission." Merlin informs us. We all nodded then went to leave but Harry placed a hand on my shoulder and asked me to stay behind. Once Lizzie and Merlin have left Harry begins talking. "Ok so I know your a flirtatious person Eggsy, but I need you to stay away from Elizabeth." He asks me. What? "No, Harry I can't. She's my best friend and to be honest I have loved her for a long time." I fire back furious that he thinks he can order me about with my personal life too.

"I don't care Eggsy, stay away from her. She is special to the agency." He replies clearly irritated. "Why is she important to the agency?" I ask curious. Harry sighs, takes a big gulp of whiskey. "Why do you want me to stay away from her?" I question him. "Because..." He hesitates and doesn't continue. I get impatient so I ask him again. "Why? Why do you want me to stay away from my best friend?" I keep interrogating him, beginning to get annoyed.

I bean to notice that he was really annoyed and he can't take it anymore. "Because she's my daughter!" He shouts. My jaw drops once again. "What the fuck Harry?!" I yell. I can't believe it. Harry turns to the window away from me. "Does she know?" I ask confused turning him back around by grasping his shoulder. "She always told me since we were kids that she never knew her father. Have you hidden this from her?" I began to ask several questions and was hating that he may have hidden this from her. His face grew a guilty expression, "I loved her mother. When I found out she left Elizabeth alone with that piece of shit Earl, I wanted to go back and rescue her but I couldn't or she could have been in danger if people knew she was a Kingsman legacy and a Hart."

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