Part Seven

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This does contain Mature Language ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! :)
But just as he leans in to kiss me, there's a knock on the door and he pulls away. I pout and he chuckles then Merlin walks in. "Dinner, now." He says sounding irritated. I breathe in and out deeply then walk out of Eggsy's room. We all walk down the hall together in complete silence. It's quite awkward. We enter the dining hall a couple of minutes later and see Hart sat next to a man who looks older than Harry.

We both walk over and he stands up. He shakes my hand "Hello Elizabeth, I am the new Arthur." He says smiling friendly.

"What happened to the other one?" I ask intrigued. He looks a bit nervous but does reply.

"He was a double-agent. He worked with an enemy of the Kingsman but we stopped him." He smiles after saying the last part. I nod then we all sit down. I sit across from Harry with Eggsy next to me then Merlin and Arthur sat on either sides of Harry. A waiter comes over and I order the salmon with salad. Eggsy orders the same as does Harry. Arthur and Merlin both order the shrimp.

"I didn't know you like Salmon Harry." I say cutting up the pink coloured fish. He nods politely, taking a bite then swallows.

"Yes indeed, it is my favourite fish." He smile and eats more. I beam by the comment.

"Oh My God me too!" I reply excitedly. Everyone looks down nervous as if they are hiding something or someone put them all in a pool with a shark. "Geez, What crawled up your arses and died." I ask rhetorically. Eggsy chuckles and places hand on my thigh. I choke on the piece of salmon but act as if it didn't happen. I place my hand on top of his. He looks at me and smiles then I smile back. I can see out of the corner of my eye that Harry isn't happy. What is with him?

After we all finished our dinners, we all go to our rooms. Harry, Merlin and Arthur walk off so it's just me and Eggsy. We reach our rooms and he goes into his saying goodnight. I walk into mine and shut the door. I get changed into a pair of dark red silky pyjamas then slip under the soft covers in of my bed. I pretty much pass out in a couple of seconds.

I'm laying in bed and I can't seem to sleep. All I can think about is Lizzie. I get up and walk into my bathroom. I turn on the sink tap then wash my face but i still can't stop thinking about her. I think that maybe Lizzie is awake, so I leave my room and sneak into hers. Unfortunately, she is fast asleep. "Lizzie... Lizzie." I whisper but all she does is roll over. I get up in the bed with her and lay next to her.

When we were children, we always used to have sleepovers. I used to never sleep but with Lizzie I could sleep forever. I shut my eyes to sleep but then feel Lizzie wrap her arms around my arm. She snuggles into my side whilst I lay on my back.

I wake up to Eggsy laying next to me, I'm snuggled into his side and his hand on my waist. When did he come into my room? I know he sometimes can't sleep, so I don't mind him laying with me. I turn to face Eggsy, our faces inches apart and he opens his eyes. We both smile then their is a knock on the door. At least people have manners. "One second!" I shout and sit up but they walk in anyway.

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