Part Four

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This does contain Mature Language ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! :)

Edited: 16/08/2021

Editing Note: Well the last time I edited this it was before the pandemic. And I have to say I still think my writing is shit but even looking at my drafts compared to this story, I don't think they're as bad as this. Which is making me consider unpublishing the story. Anyway, enjoy me trying to fix this bad writing haha.

I've been in the infirmary for a whole day, I haven't left Lizzie's side. She's my best friend and I feel so guilty. I take a sip of my coffee that Merlin gave to me this afternoon. I'm still holding Lizzie's hand. I won't let go till she wakes up. I spend most of the time staring at her wondering what would have happened if I had brought her with me. Would she have even been allowed to join? Would she become kingsman? Would they put her in witness protection? Think of so many different situations made me sleepy as I began to yawn and fall asleep in the slightly uncomfortable chair.

I wake up from feeling Lizzie's hand move. I sit up automatically to my position before, watching her. Suddenly, she starts to move lots. Her beautiful blue eyes slowly open and I say her name. "Lizzie? Lizzie? Are you ok?" I ask quietly. She nods after a few seconds of registering her surroundings and then tries to sit up to hug me. she hugs my gently then lays back down. "Where have you been Eggsy?" She asks making me become quite guilty about leaving her.

"I know I disappeared and I'm sorry but I got a new job." I comment anxious to hear her reply. She squeezes my hand and looks at me longingly. "I missed you so much. I thought I'd never see you again." She says with a weak voice. Her strawberry blonde hair is messy as if she ran through a bush backwards. Her bruises are still vibrant and noticeable on her face. "I can't believe that jerk hurt you again." I say angrily wanting to hurt him back. She smiles at my protectiveness and shrugs.

"It was also Aaron..." she replies looking ashamed. I always hated Aaron, he abused her so much, he knew my step-father, so Lizzie and I shared the same hate for him. "I guess I'll let you get some sleep." I say whilst holding her face in my hand gently. She snuggles into my palm then looks at me slightly scared as if Aaron or Earl will come back. As I begin to stand up I hear "Please don't leave." Just before she grabbed my hand, stopping me from leaving the room. I smile sympathetically then sit back down in the chair and we catch up on the past couple of months.
It's been 2 weeks since I first entered the infirmary and today, I finally get to leave the depressing hospital bed. I stand up in my blue hospital gown before Harry enters the room and links his arm around my arm. "Since you are doing better, I would like to offer you something. Would you like to train to become a kingsman? But you must know if you can't succeed, then I can't do anything to let you stay here." He asks, I nod thinking to myself about the offer. During the last 2 weeks, Eggsy, Harry and Merlin have told me about Kingsman, how they saved the world and many times before that. It took me a while to get used to but I eventually understood.

"Really?" I ask smiling as we walked down the hall. He nodded as we proceed to a room, next door to Eggsy's. Harry opens the door and it's a lovely huge bedroom. It has cream walls, a lilac fluffy carpet, a matching queen-sized bed and it's own private bathroom. I gasp as we enter together, looking at all the details of the room. "There are some clothes in the bathroom for you. Apologies as they are not exactly the right attire. But it's all we had, you can go shopping in your own time." I nod as he leaves the room and I carefully sit on the bed, shocked at the new change in my life. I admire the room before walking into the bathroom. It's so fancy, with a huge bath and shower, a toilet and a classy sink. I see the clothes on the side next to a small vanity table of makeup. A large smile grows on my face before I proceed to get changed.

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