Part Ten

574 13 2

This does contain Mature Language ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! :)
Once the bathroom door shut behind me there was no going back. I look to Eggsy who is sat in the chair opposite my bed. I scream then grab my towel and attempt to cover myself. "What the actual fuck Eggsy?" I ask him frustrated. He just chuckles and sits comfortably with a smug look on his face.

"Hello, naked lady..." He says whilst looking me up and down. He whistles and I pick up a pillow near me then chuck it at him.

"What do you want? Apart from creeping on me in my room?" I cross my arms angrily then walk to the door and grab my silk robe.

"Well I came in here to tell you..." He cuts himself off when I drop my towel then put my robe on. I turn around and see him staring at me. I glare at him and sit on my bed whilst brushing my hair. "...that We only have one more training session before your first mission. Now I must go, we won't be eating in the dining hall today, so you can order something from the kitchen and then get some good sleep for tomorrow." He finishes what he was saying professionally. I swear to god, that boy has two sides. Sexy and a complete cock block. Hmm, maybe he could start a group called 'the cock blockers'.

I shake the thought out of my head then order some food from the kitchen. About 20 minutes later, I finish my food and pass out on my bed in a food coma.

It is the next morning and I awake to the noise of an air horn right next to my ear. I was so shocked I rolled off the bed. I looked up and saw Eggsy laughing, so I did the first thing I thought of. I got up slowly whilst he continued to laugh, then when he least expected it... I charged at him and tackled him to the floor. I grabbed the nearest pillow then straddled him and repeatedly hit him with the pillow. "How. dare. you. wake. me. up. to. an. air. horn!" I shouted at him whilst hitting him everytime I said a word.

"Sorry, I'm sorry!" He shouts back and I almost immediately stop hitting him. I smile, then get up off him then proceed to help him up. "I came in here to tell you that, training starts in 15 minutes." He walks out of the room and I begin getting ready.

I brush my hair up into a ponytail, don't put any makeup on and wear my black Nike leggings, purple sports bra and Black Nike trainers. I leave my room and make my way to the training room.

Me and Eggsy have been training for about 40 minutes and there has been a lot of sexual tension. Every time he flips me over or blocks my punches, the tension grows more and more. I can't handle it so I try to cool myself off. Eggsy grabs his bottle of water and chugs it fast. I feel really warm so I drench myself in the water and then dry myself off with a towel. After this, I look at Eggsy to begin training again and catch him staring at me.

"You can look, but you can't touch." I smirk at him and he laughs over his shoulder. Then the second he turns around, he charges at me but luckily after the training I dodge him and make him trip over my foot. He goes flying and crashes into a wall. The wall seems to be made out of dry wall, so it is really flimsy.

Eggsy dusts some dust and dry wall off himself then we proceed to look into the space behind the wall. "What the..." Eggsy says whilst pulling away some my dry wall. I help him and behind the wall we find a giant locked chest covered in dust.

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Bye! :)

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