Part Eighteen

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This does contain Mature Language ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! :)
I wake up with a sore leg and a raging headache. I open my eyes to see Eggsy sat in the medic room with me. "Hey gorgeous." He says then kisses me lightly on the forehead.

I smile then wince whilst sitting up. "You shouldn't be trying to move lots, I mean you were shot." I laugh at his comment then he hands me a cup of water and I chug it. "Well if this isn't déjà vu I don't know what is." I say "by last time I wasn't shot." He chuckles and holds my hands. We spend the next hour chatting about my 'successful' first mission.

As Eggsy makes the hundredth joke about my leg, Harry walks in. "Elizabeth." He says worried then hugs me. I squint at him, thinking what to call him. "Father." Eggsy and Harry laugh. "Has a nice ring to it, if I say so myself." He replies. He sits on the other side to Eggsy, handing me another cup of water. I refuse to take it.

"Guys, you do realise that you can die from drinking too much water?" I say to them and they just stare at me like 'what the actual fuck?' then proceed to chuckle. "How do you even know that?" Eggsy asks me. I smile sinister st them both. "I may or may not have tried to harm Earl with a lot of glasses of water. Harry laughs "serves him right." We all laugh.

"So will I actually be allowed to leave this bed or am I forced to live here until I grow old and kick the bucket?" I ask, we all laugh. "You will be able to leave, once you are healthy enough to stand without someone." Harry replies. "Thank the heavens!" I reply and Eggsy chuckles. "Well I will leave you both, take care of her." Harry says squinting at Eggsy and then proceeds to kiss me on the forehead.

"So what would you like to do whilst your leg heals?" Eggsy asks me. I lean forward and kiss him. "Lots of these..." I kiss him again. "And also some chocolate." We laugh quietly and continue to kiss for a while.
Thanks for reading!
Sorry this chapter was short :(
This was a filler and didn't really know what to write as it is the second to last chapter.
I don't think I am going to make a sequel but if I end up doing so it may be a while.
Bye :)

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