Part Sixteen

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This does contain Mature Language ⚠️
Hope you enjoy! :)
We get to the hotel and it is fancy as fuck! My mouth was gaped open the whole time. That is until Eggsy shut it with his hand. I look at him with sarcasm overflowing through my eyes. He stop chuckling and gave me his swooning smirk, which figuratively made my panties drop through the floorboards. "You ok Lizard?" He asks me smirking knowing what I'm thinking. I nod, straighten up then walk towards the front desk.

We are given our Room Key then head up in the elevator. In the elevator, there is so much sexual tension you could cut it with a knife. Doesn't help you can hear the calm elevator music in the background. (Don't think I've said 'Elevator so much XD) Once we get into the room, I notice as we are setting up the spy equipment that there is only 1 bed. I gulp quite obviously and so does Eggsy as we look at each other. "It's ok wifey." He reacts as he jumps on the bed then taps the space next to him. I smile then run full speed and fly on the bed, knocking into Eggsy, causing him to fall on the floor.

I laugh uncontrollably until he grabs my leg, like something from a horror film and drags me off the bed. You can probably faintly hear my scream next door. Eggsy's action has caused me to be laying on top of him uncomfortably. I feel a bump on my stomach. He blushes and I straddle him then get up and practically run to the bathroom.

As I'm making the finishing touches to my disguise, I hear Merlin say into my earpiece. "You look amazing." Just as I'm about to say Thank you to him, Eggsy walks out of the bathroom in a Gucci tuxedo.

"Why thank you Merlin." He chuckles. Merlin sighs over the earpiece. "Damn Liz, you look fit." I blush then we link arms and leave the hotel.

We arrive at the mansion and I help Lizzie get out of the Limo. "Gentleman on the streets." She gushes.

I chuckle then pretty much ruin the moment "Freak in the sheets." I wink at her. She just stares at me morbidly then flicks me on the forehead. She giggles cute then we enter the building.

"Right you two, get your game on because Bernard I'm currently in the main hall, he is straight ahead." Merlin speaks over the ear communicators. Me and Lizzie walk down the long fancy hallway to two door which a butler opens to reveal a giant ballroom with golden chandeliers.

"Holy shit Merl! You didn't say this place looks like a movie stars Home!" I gasp. Lizzie agrees then we walk down the stairs to the dance floor. We both work our way through the crowd towards Bernard, he is currently stood talking to couple at the bar.

We walk up to the bar and face each other with Lizzie's back next to Bernard's back. She clicks a button on her necklace, which happens to listen in on Bernard's conversation. We act like a genuine couple as Merlin records the conversation. "Would you like a champagne darling?" I ask Lizzie in my posh accent.

"Why, yes thank you honey." She replies smiling at how hilarious this is. She grabs a glass of champagne and spill it on the counter. "Shit sticks!" She says just loud enough for Bernard to turn around and suspiciously look at us... Shit sticks.

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