8 - Sweet Dreams

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JinYoung POV
While laying in bed, I fell asleep quickly, sleep embracing me faster than it has ever before. The darkness changed into a scene where I was sitting down in a picnic. The checkered red and white mat was spread largely over the vibrant green grass.

The sky was a nice shade of blue with not a single cloud could be found in the sky. When I turned to my left, I saw the vision of a handsome man, Jae Bum.

His hair was messy and tousled, eyes were smiling at me brightly. "JinYoung-ah, we need to catch YooSung before he runs away!" He chuckled happily, while helping me get on my feet.

He started running after a small toddler with me trailing behind him. While running I tripped over a rock and fell face first into the ground.

"Eomma!" "JinYoung!" Shouted two loud voices.

I groaned slightly, I looked at myself and realised I hadn't gotten many large scars or bruises and didn't seem to be bleeding in my head or neck. Though one bothered me, I had a Long jagged scar up my left arm which seemed to been scratched by a larger rock right next to my arm.

"Eomma Eomma! You Okay?" The small toddler or should I say "YooSung" asked while holding the hem of his shirt.

"JinYoungie, are you hurt?" My 'husband', I Guess, asked with concern.

"I'm fine! Go ahead I'll be back in a minute," I smiled to the boys and watched as they hesitantly went back to playing Catching.

I had stayed on the picnic mat and soon Jaebum came back, triumphant, with YooSung stuck in his arms.

YooSung wriggled our of JaeBum's arms and ran to me, laying on my lap. I gave a small smile and stroked his silky hair.

"No fair! Only I get to lay in Mom's Lap!" Jaebum whined.

I responded with a quiet, "Shh~ You'll get your turn later."

He gave a smug smirk and winked, tattooing a blush on my face.

Soon, darkness was all I could see. I opened my eyes to see a Smirking Jackson right in my face.

"So tell me, what kind of sweet dream did you have, that made you smile like an idiot and sleep talk?" He asked with an annoying tone.

I just glared at him and he gave a loud chuckle, "C'mon we have school."
~End Of Chapter~
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