12 - Finally

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I've realised that y'all take a liking to chapters that include me torturing Jaebum. 'Bruises' where Jaebum gets hit by his Father and 'Up all Night' where Jaebum dreams about the love of his life dying, are two of the most popular chapters in this book.
Y'all are nasty. But regardless, I'm not finished torturing the poor boy just yet.

BamBam POV
It's been 3 days since the earthquake, luckily no one else (Jackson, BamBam and Yugyeom) got hurt. JinYoung was awake but still in the Hospital, he has to stay there for longer.

Just to think that this wouldn't have happened if a specific someone hadn't left in the middle of the night. I know I couldn't blame Yugyeom but, I can't help it. JinYoung was my only Friend. Who even made friends with a student who couldn't even speak Korean? JinYoung, JinYoung did. My vision glanced at JinYoung for a second.

I unintentionally glared at Yugyeom. BamBam stop it. You can't hate him, not him. It's also my fault, I should've made JinYoung stay outside.

I left the room and sat outside, my hands in my hair and head down Low. Today I'm wearing emotions in my stomach mixed into confusing feelings, and for once I didn't like that.

Yugyeom POV
I felt the anger seeping from BamBam as he glared at me. I heard him sigh heavily as he left the room. I turned my head to the closed door.

I turned to JinYoung. He said in a croaky voice, "What happened to him?"

"Stop using your voice Hyung. He's mad at me because I left in the middle of the night to get something. If I had stayed at home you wouldn't be here,"I explained sullenly.

JinYoung hesitated for a while, "Isn't it my fault? I could've listened to him. He might be mad at himself instead of you," he muttered quietly.

I shrugged and sat down.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps could be heard from outside the room. The door opened to show a concerned and heaving Jaebum.

I saw JinYoung's face light up as he smiled.


~End Chapter~

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