11 - Arguments

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JaeBum POV
"What do you mean No?" I said, running a hand through my hair for the umpteenth time today.

"No means no Jaebum. How would you know the earthquake has subsided! It could come back and you could die!" she argued, Voice going dangerously high.

Anger boiled my blood as I felt my ears turn red and steaming.
"Mom! JinYoung's life is at stake! Please! I'll be careful. I need to see him." I whined, I was acting like a spoiled child denied of his toy, but this was JinYoung we're talking about.

"No. We're going to stay here until we are sure the earthquake has subsided. Full stop." She stated with a tone of authority.

She walked back to her room, slamming the door behind her. Inside I could hear her talking to my aunt, who lived in America.

She was nice but I liked her Son more, Mark was nice, his dad was Taiwanese not Korean but that doesn't matter. I called him up.

"Mark, come over yea?" I talked over the phone.

"Can't you just come over?"

"On lockdown, because we argued. Y'know how she is."

"Fine, be there in about *hesitates* 15."

~Time Skip~

Mark walked into my room, with the looks of a bad boy but a heart of Gold.

"What happened?" He asked in heavily accented Korean, a Taiwanese accent or American accent I wasn't sure. Mark straightened his white hoodie with his hand and brushed his hand over his light brown hair. We were in my room why is he so particular about his appearance?

"So basically, earthquake in Seoul, bOOM, my soulmate is probably dying, but my mom won't let me go back and see him and it's so frus-"

"Back the fuck up, so you're gay, you live with a homophobic child abuser..."

"Well he's not technically a child abuser, he just has some... questionable disciplinary issues."

"Don't interrupt me. As I was saying. Homophobic child abuser and you're gay. Your life is so messed up. Hey at least my parents are fine with J."

"Who even is J you won't tell me who he is or where he lives," I snorted at Mark. Mark blushed slightly as a small smile formed on his lips.

I fake gagged. "He's handsome and amazing that all ya need to know. I like to call him 'J-Flawless' now the audience should know who I'm talking about."

I was 100% sure Mark was on drugs, what audience was he talking about? "Bro what. Are you recording this as blackmail in the future?"

"I'm not the one doing the recording." He smirked smugly and gave a small wink to who knows where.

I stared at him like he was crazy and sighed, continuing with the story of how I met JinYoung via our doodles.

Yugyeom POV
Jaebum Hyung better hurry the fuck here. JinYoung is still unconscious but stable. I sat next to him in an hospital chair. His Mother was sitting outside as she couldn't bare to see her precious Son in bandages.

I heard something. I turned my head around trying to find the source of the sound. I shook my head, thinking that I was a delusional. I mean, JinYoung Hyung is here because I went to the convenience store to buy some coffee during the night/early morning.

I heard the noise again. I ignored it.

The noise again, ignored.

The noise again, and I got irritated. I was about to shout at anything to leave me alone until I realised that the sound was from sleeping beauty himself.

I placed my ear near his mouth to try hear better.

"Jae...Bum.." I sighed.

Jaebum Hyung really better hurry the fuck up and get his ass here.

~End Chapter~
To explain everything. Let's say we live in earth 1. Earth 2 is where this story takes place. It has different relationships, like how Jaebum and Mark are related. That doesn't mean they have a single drop of each other's blood in themselves okay.
Thanks for 600 views again!!💕
I decided to update early because my impatient lil nugg' cherrybhmb is attached.

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