Lost Love

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Hey, you guys~

I have here another poem; it's one of my favourites too!

Anyways, enjoy~ 💞💘


Countless nights staring out the window,
Sleepless nights tugging on sheets and pillows,
No comfort to get around the empty bed,
No blanket to cover me from my head,

The stars they say they know it all,
But our hearts would say to forget it all,
They come crashing into the ground,
Till all that's left has all been and done,

We could find that Lost love if we even dared,
We could travel the seas in the demon's lair,
Recount countless stories that we've both shared,
We fly skies to get to the stars, our dreams they bared,

We could pass it around like a blame game,
But we'd both know what each of us are named,
We could find that lost love that we once claimed,
As the stars would fall to fade away in the night of pain,



Lav ya~💞💘

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