February and November

13 6 2


Two lovers
like in fair Verona,
The only difference is
they stay apart forever

Not even death
could grant their wish,
Their covetted wish
to entangle each other's fingers

February: the day of hearts
November: the day of the dead
2rd Month: the day of love
11th Month: the day of bitterness

14th Day: the day of sappiness
1st Day: the day of anguish
Feb. 13: a day before romance
Oct. 31: a day before agony

And they stay apart
until the moon and sun
could permanently kiss,
coalesces, then burst into a supernova

They were meant
for each other,
but only until Nothing
claims the world its property.


Ta daaaa!
Sembreak just started two days ago and I'm already set on finishing the poem compilation.
But of course, I wouldn't completely forget WattPad and you lavies.

Keep dreaming!

Lav y'all~ 💙💘

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