Your Face

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Time flies by so fast
whenever I'm with you.
It's like the moon had just shone
for the both of us tonight.

And that's why I want to stop time;
Just so I could stare
and fascinate on every wrinkle and
every intricate detail your face beholds.

How do you make my heart beat
like a machine gun?
Everytime I hear your voice,
it starts to contract continually.

How does your voice feel like therapy when it worsens me?
Everytime I think of you,
my imagination tries to lace its fingers with yours

How does your face linger in my mind for a long while?
Everytime I write a poem, it always has to be about you.

Please, will you stay still beside me?
Just until my bargain to stop time expires,
and I've memorized everything--
Because your face beholds all of my dreams.


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