In My Mind

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This letter is for my Dad. Who's an OFW. He visits me every once a year. And we only see each other once a year.

So this was supposed to be for his birthday, but I wasn't able to send it to him.

It's dedicated to you Dad.

You guys enjoy it :)

In My Mind

I'm thinking of poem to write,
something strong yet soft and light,
Not too light though,
It might kill the essence so,

I'm thinking of something good to write,
It would be perfect, yes, I think it might,
Don't let go, Just hold on tight,
We're going to a place that's full of life,

We're going to a place that is in my mind,
Where people are no longer blind,
To the truth of life,
It's not a game, it won't end in a strife,

You live for a purpose and for a reason,
You don't live for evil, you don't live in prison,
I live for my family, the thing that I always had,
Broken it may seem, but it doesn't feel so bad,

There's on person who's far from me,
Face to face, in real life, seldom we could see,
He's the strongest one in my family,
Yes, my Dad, who's seldom beside me,

Although distressed I may feel, I never get sad,
'Cause I know that there's a reason he's my dad,
He never will be the dad that I always wanted,
I know he is just the dad that I needed, that God has granted.

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