Part 3:Chapter 18: We Meet Again

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  • Dedicated to all the beliebers:)

Layla awoke to a dense, cold room. Her living room was dimly lit. She then sat up, rubbing her eyes. Her ears rang to the sound of the door bell.

"C-Comin!" Layla yelled, checking her watch. 9:03 PM. Night has fallen and she slept for... maybe two hours. Enough energy to last for the rest of the night. Layla pulled her coat off the couch, wrapping it around her shoulders as she opened the front door.

"Hi." Justin warmly smiled, looking straight into Layla's eyes. Layla balenced herself in the doorway, smiling.

"Hey." Layla said, leaning in towards Justin, kissing him softly. She pulled away, grabbing Justin's hand.

"Lets go." Layla whispered as Justin pulled his hood up over his head. He led her to the car, opening the passenger door for her.

"Thank you." Layla nodded, climbing into the car, resting against the seat. The car smelled almost.... sweet. The leather seats nearly sparkled. The black dashboard had no scratches or dust on it.

"You ready to go?" Justin asked, wrecking Layla's train of thought. But Layla nodded as he put the key into the ignition. They pulled out of the driveway, passing the houses around them.

Soon they were on, what seemed in the middle of nowhere, a patch of old parkland. Justin took a sharp left, pulling onto a dirt road. Layla's brows formed a line. She had no idea where she was. Lost, maybe?

"We're almost there." Justin said, taking a right as he pulled onto a patch of clean pavement.

"Here." He said, kissing Layla's head before hopping out of the door beside him.

Layla unclicked her seat belt, hopping out of the car. She slammed the silver door behind her. When she turned around, what she saw, was a huge, jumbo, shimmering tour bus.

"Woah!" Layla said, her jaw dropping. Justin chuckled behind Layla and threw his arm around her shoulders.

"You've seen nothing yet." He smiled, softly kissing her cheek. Layla smiled, taking his free hand. She took a single step forward, then looked back at Justin.

"C'mon." Layla smiled gently, walking along the pavement path that led to the front door of the bus. Justin took a quick step in front of Layla and pulled a worn out key out of his pocket. A strip of tape of the key said "Bus."

"Here we go." Justin muttered swiftly under his breath, opening the door infront of him.

(I love u guys so I am deciding to write more.)


As soon as Layla took a step into the bus, the atmosphere changed completely. The place wasn't crowded but it was full of people. Friendly faces everywhere she looked. Justin suddenly appeared next to her and clutched her hand. He smiled toward the people around him, laughed with them. Layla looked around the room, spying a petite brunette lady in the corner of the room.

"Mom!" Justin yelled, smiling to the women in the corner. The women smiled back, quickly walking towards Justin. She swung her arms open wide, pulling him into a tight embrace, forcing him to let Layla's hand go.

"Hey babe." The women exclaimed. The lady looked at Layla and smiled brightly.

"Hi." Layla smiled, waving a little. The women let go of her son and put out her hand for Layla to shake.

"I'm Pattie, sweetie. It's very nice to meet you." Pattie exclaimed, squeezing Layla's hand in her grasp.

"Thank you so much." Layla smiled wide. Pattie grinned back and let go of Layla's hand. She pulled Justin over to her by the neck and whispered something in his ear. Layla couldn't make it out. But Pattie pulled back and they both grinned.

O.M.B. (A Justin Bieber Love Story)(First in the Our World Series)Where stories live. Discover now