Hold Me Tight (Cake and Mashton)

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Calum, Michael, Ashton and Luke are sent to the same boarding school by their parents. The boys all get into one room. Bad Boy Michael and depressed Ashton hate each other, but after a while Ashton catches himself thinking bout Michael the whole time. But why is Michael being so mean to Ashton? Calum and Luke get to be best friends soon, but Luke has a secret which he can't tell Calum because it'd ruin everything.

Hey guys! As you can probably see, this will be a Mashton and Cake story. I hope you all love it! But first I'll tell you why I post this story today. It's the 16th birthday of my best friend Miriam!!!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, dear Miri, happy birthday to you! I love you girl, stay as perfect as you are!
So after my bad singing, I'll tell you now something about this story. As you can read above, Mikey is gonna be a bad boy in this story (I always wanted to write him as a bad boy), please don't be surprised when this story is gonna have some violence, alcohol, drugs and cigarettes in it. Ash is depressed in here, so we'll have many emotional moments, cutting, crying and depressive thoughts. Just saying.
And about Lukey and Cal... Luke will be very thoughtful, shy and caring, whilst Calum is always happy and says what he thinks. Oh and all of them are 17 in this story, so all still go to school 🙈
Have fun reading this story. And if you like to, please share, vote, comment and follow me! I would be very happy :)

Hold me tight (Cake and Mashton) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now