Chapter 7

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Dedication: Queen_of_fandoms because of your nice comment and because you liked the new Mikey.


Michael's P.O.V

It was a week after the day Jai and I got punched by Calum, the pizza fight, Luke singing drunk and making confessions and me being stupid enough to stop playing my role for a few minutes and actually be nice.

Why is it so difficult to act mean and dangerous?

I can't be weak or someone will find out about my secret and then I'll be dead. And with dead I mean dead.

They'll kill me like they did with Connor in freshman year, or I'll get bullied like that little guy in primary school.

I traced my tattoos with my fingers. They were hiding me from who I really am and that's good. All the hair dyeing, tattooing and getting piercings, just to hold up my image.

I really shouldn't have started punching that boy in Year 7, but he was saying he liked me more than a friend and I just couldn't handle that. Since then, they were my only friends. They are the Brooks Twins. Jai and Luke, my best friends but also the people that scared me more than anything.

Okay, that wasn't right, the thing that scared me most was falling in love, but at the same time, there was nothing I wanted more. Kinda weird, isn't it? I have my reasons to feel like that, though.

And Ashton with his light brown, curly hair, these beautiful hazel eyes with shades of green, his adorable laugh, his dimples, his high pitched but still boyish voice and his damn glasses just ruined everything.

I was slowly falling for this boy and I hated that thought. Even if I wanted to be with him so hard, even if he ever liked me back, I could never get with him. Never.

The only way out of this was treating him like shit and punching him, as punishment for being so fucking cute and to make sure, he'll never like me back.

I stood up from the bench in the little pavilion of the school's garden, stuffed my hands in my pockets and made my way back to school.

In the hall I noticed a dark haired boy and a blonde girl kissing. They looked happy. Somehow I wished I could be happy like this too, but how can I when I am gay and have only two friends who are homophobes and punch every person who is not straight. I sighed and went upstairs.

I walked past the other rooms to the room Jai and Luke shared with. I was kinda jealous that they didn't have to be in one of these big rooms with 3 other roommates, but their parents have money and their older brother Beau started a clothing line called Dirty Pig Clothing which is a big success.

I reached their room and opened the door. Only Jai was in there, smoking some drugs. Disgusting.

"Hey Jai, where's Luke?", I asked him sitting down on Luke's bed. He wanted to give me some of his drug but I just got one of my cigarettes. They weren't that dangerous.

"Aww loosen up Mike, drugs ain't gonna hurt you. You're such a baby, still smoking cigarettes", he laughed. "Anyways, Luke is out, probably punching some of the fags, I guess this Harry boy."

"Why are we even doing this?", I mumbled.

"What was that?", Jai asked sharply.

"Nothing, it was nothing. I just mumbled that he deserves it", I answered quickly. It was a lie, he doesn't deserve that at all but Jai bought it and patted me on the shoulder.

"I actually heard he's dating that ugly boy- what was his name? Oh yeah, I think Louis.", he said cringing his nose.

"Yeah, I heard that too." I shrugged. I felt sorry for them. Being openly gay in a place where Jai and Luke weren't far is like suicide. They'll ruin you, your life and everyone around you.

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