Chapter 8

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Dedication: mukeclcmmings because I loved your comments.

Don't kill me before you read the end of the chapter :-)


Ashton's P.O.V (one minute earlier)

"Please don't hit me again", I cried. Michael didn't listen, he just pressed me more against the wall. He looked in my eyes with his green ones.

Suddenly he turned his head a bit and leaned more and more forward. I gripped the wall, was he trying to kiss me? He was trying to kiss me.

I started to panic. Nobody ever kissed me, not even my mother gave me a goodnight kiss or something like that. I'd screw everything up. And why would Michael kiss me?

Right in the moment I wanted to do something, he rushed back just to punch me across the face again.

"Fuck", he screamed. "How do you do this?"

"What do you mean?", I asked confused, trying to wipe the blood away that was pouring out of my nose. The punch didn't hurt as much as usual but I still felt the pain.

"How are you so fucking cute? I almost kissed you", he said in frustration now punching the wall.

"I don't know- wait, did you just called me cute?" Okay now I was confused.

"If you tell anyone about this I'm gonna kill you", he hissed. I started nodding, I didn't need another punch.

"Good boy", he said and ran out of the room.

I sat down on Calum's bed since I was too lazy to climb up to mine and thought about what just happened.

Michael tried to kiss me, Michael called me cute. This made no sense. Why would he, out of all people in this school want to kiss me? I thought be was the biggest homophobe and also a jerk.

But a cute jerk.

"Ha Kellin, I told ya Ashy thinks like that about Michael", Dave suddenly exclaimed and I saw his ghost wandering through the room.

"Yeah you did. But I feel like Michael likes Ashton too, maybe he could actually change for Ash", Kellin said and sat down on the couch.

"Maybe. I think he just tried to fool him to find out he's gay. Then he has another reason to bully him and to give Ashton the punches he deserves"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?", Kellin shouted slapping him. "Ashton, don't listen to that prick. Demons only try to find more and more reasons to ruin you. Something is weird with Michael, but this wasn't played. I could see it the way he looked at you. He looked at you fondly and was basically disgusted in himself when he punched you."

"Oh, watch out Mr. Quinn sees through people's emotions again. Do you really want to believe such a liar? Why do Angels always have to be such liars? I say the truth at least.", Dave laughed at Kellin.

"You say what would be the most demonic thing to say, not the truth. And by the way, Angels can figure out emotions pretty well, it's our talent."

"Yeah and that's why I figured Ashton's feelings earlier than any of you two. You're not that fantastic- Oh Shit, someone is walking to the door of this room. We gotta go", Dave cursed and they both disappeared. Since I'm here they appear more often than ever before, and it scares me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when someone opened the door like Dave predicted. It was Luke.

"Holy fuck, what happened to you?", he just said when he saw me and my bleeding nose.

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