Chapter 1

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Luke's P.O.V

"Luke? We've arrived at the boarding school.", my mother tried to wake me up from daydreaming. I always liked to daydream and I often lose myself in my own thoughts.
"Oh right", I muttered. In front of the car was a big castle, it kinda looked like Hogwarts. Very nice and happy, a bit like in a fairy tale. The thought let me smile.
How could this be a fairy tale? My parents are leaving me in Australia and go to America, without me. They said, it's important for their career and I couldn't come with them. It'll be hard to live here when there's nobody i know and nobody that supports gays.
Yeah, I was gay. I figured out when I was like 13 and also had one boyfriend. But he broke up with me after one month...
"Luke! Should I also tell it to you in Chinese till you understand what I say?", my mother shouted.
"Umm, what's up?", I asked.
"We want to leave now. I asked if you had all your things and if we should come with you inside the building or if you wanna do it all by yourself.", she sighed.
"Umm no, it's okay, I'll go alone."
I grabbed my bags and my guitar and got out of the car.
"Bye Lukey", my mom said. "I hope you make friends here and find a cute little boyfriend and finally have sex and-"
"Mom!", I shouted. She supports me being gay, but well, sometimes a bit too much.
"Okay, okay, I just bet you'll finally have sex here. I had my first time when I was 14 and you're already 17! Please tell me when you have a boyfriend. I wanna know. Just call me.
Luke, please also listen to others and don't drift away so easily. Okay? I love you, my baby." She hugged me one last time.
"Please use protection!", my mother yelled after me.
I just rolled my eyes and tried to walk away from that crazy woman as fast as I could. Happily, no one was around us, so nobody got to know that I was gay.
I walked up to the big doors and entered a hall. This castle was huge. I watched the walls and the old big pictures on them. Then I saw a paper pinned on the wall. On it was a list with the rooms and which students were living together. I took one of the maps lying on a table in front of the paper. My eyes wandered up to the list, curious in which room I was and what the names of the other boys were.
"Hemmings, Lucas", I read, "room 123".
Oh no, my mother didn't write 'Lucas' on that form, did she? I hate her.
A few lines under my name I found another boy with Room 123, his name was Calum Hood. Nice name, I thought and looked for the other two guys. The next one I found was Ashton Irwin and after searching for a while I also found Michael Clifford. I hoped they were open for gay people and that I eventually could tell it to them. Maybe one of the boys was also cute, you'll never know.
That sounded like my mother, right? Urgh, I already copy her. It was time to get away from that crazy monster.
"Can you please go away? Other people also wanna watch the paper!", a black and purple haired boy shouted and pushed me away.
Not saying anything to that rude guy, I watched the map and then made my way to the room.
It was very cool. There were always two beds above each other, four wardrobes, a table with four chairs and a couch. And a drum kit. I watched the drum kit and suddenly a boy came up from behind the drums. He had curly blondish-brownish hair and a bandana round his head. The boy wore glasses and a hoodie.
"Hi, I'm Luke. who are you?", I asked him curiously.
"Umm.. A-Ashton", he stuttered.
"Cool. Nice to meet you", I said.
"N-nice to meet you too", he gave back and sat down behind his drums searching for his drum sticks.
"Are you looking for these?", I asked him pointing to the sticks on one of the beds. He blushed.
"Umm yeah. Thank you." He stood up and got them.
"You play the drums? Are you good?"
He nodded slowly. "I can play but I'm not good at it"
"No, I bet you are. Wanna play something to me?"
He nodded again and started to drum. It was amazing! He really was great and I clapped for the rather shy boy.
Suddenly someone opened the door. It was that boy from the big hall who pushed me away.
"Oh you again", he just said as he saw me.
"And who are you?", I asked him.
"Michael Clifford", he answered starting to smoke a cigarette.
"Aha Michael. I'm Luke and this is Ashton. Could you please stop smoking in here? That's disgusting."
"Luke and Ashton, alright. Just to let you know, I smoke where I want and do what I want. When you don't follow these rules, I'll fucking punch you till you understand it. Got it?", He said.
Ashton quickly nodded. Urgh, I already didn't like him, but I also nodded my head slightly.
"Which is my bed?", he asked afterwards.
"The beds on the floor are still free, the upper beds are mine and Ash's.", I mentioned.
"Cute how you just talk for Ashton. I bet you don't even know him. Hey, loser, can you also speak?"
Why was he so awful?
"Y-yes I can. Can you please st-stop smoking? My parents did that and-", Ashton said. It was a mistake cause Michael rushed forward and punched him hard in his face. Ash fell to the floor.
"Is that already enough, you little shit?", he asked. "Or do you need more lessons to learn to shut the fuck up?" He kicked his stomach and went out of the room.
"God, Ashton, is everything okay? Come on, I'll help you up.", I said. Blood was running down his nose. I gave him a tissue to hold it against his bleeding nose.
"Thanks Luke, but you don't need to help me. I'm okay.", He explained.
"You aren't okay, I can see it."
As I said that, the door opened. It wasn't Michael. A boy with dark hair and an All Time Low shirt came in. He was gorgeous and had an amazing smile but he quickly stopped smiling as he got to see me sitting next to Ashton who as bleeding and groaning in pain.
"Oh my god, what happened to him?", he asked and sat down next to him. "I'm Calum by the way"
"I'm Luke"
"I am Ashton"
"Cool Luke and Ashton, can you please tell me what the fuck happened?"
"The fourth boy living here, Michael, punched him in his face when he asked him to stop smoking."
"What the fuck?!", Calum answered.
"Umm I'll go the bathroom to clean this up", Ashton informed us. Then he stood up, searched in his things for some kind of a bag for toothpaste and stuff and then locked himself in the bath.
"So, why are you here, Luke?", Calum suddenly asked after we were saying nothing for a few minutes.
"My parents are going to America for work and I can't go with them, so they decided a boarding school would be a great idea.", I answered. "What about you?"
"My parents died a few years ago and my big sister Mali is starting a music career, so she couldn't always take care of her little brother."
"Oh my god, I didn't know. I'm sorry Calum", I said, shocked about him only having his sister left.
"It's okay, Luke, don't worry. I barely remember them." He sighed.
"Do you have any siblings?", Calum asked.
"Yeah, two older brother. Ben and Jack. They are really cool, but I only see them on Christmas, Birthdays or something cause they moved out, have wives and little children."
Just when Calum opened his mouth to say something, the door swung open and Michael was there again.
"You again. Can't you just go away? You hurt Ashton", I yelled at him very upset. Usually I only think but not talk that much, but this boy was just driving me insane.
He just laughed. "Look at this boy. He deserved it, that little wimp. And Luke? I would really recommend not talking to me again or I'll punch you even harder."
"If you wanna punch any of them, you gotta punch me", Calum spoke up.
"Really cute how you're standing up for that wimp and Blondie. Guess you're the third asshole."
"Stop being awful Michael! What have we done to you?", Calum shouted "You don't have the right to just make us feel bad or punch us. What if be had recorded what you just said and would go to the teachers? Just calm the fuck down Michael!"
Then I saw something I didn't really expect: Michael's head went down for a second as if he was ashamed.
"Guys, why hasn't Ashton come out of the bathroom till now? He has been in there for twenty minutes.", I remembered.
"I don't know", Calum said, walking up to the bathroom door. "Ashton? Are you okay?", he asked and knocked on the door.
But the boy didn't answer.

Sorry for that cliffhanger 🙈
So, what do you think about Mikey in that story? Be prepared for more aggressive stuff from him.
And do you feel sorry for Cal for only having Mali left?
And what do you think about Luke's mother? Isn't she perfect? lol
And why is Ashton so long in there, what do you think?
I would be happy if you commented, voted, shared and followed me. I love you all <3

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