Chapter 2

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Ashton's P.O.V

I heard someone knocking on the door. "Ashton? Are you okay?", a voice asked which must have been Calum's.
Shit, I didn't notice I was in here for a long time. After Michael had beaten me up, I hid in the bathroom. I had a bruise on my face, but it didn't hurt. His words did.
They just went out his mouth with so much hate and made my heart break in two pieces.
I knew I'd never make friends anywhere. But that just on my first day, a boy could hate me so much, was making me feel to not be enough. Calum and Luke tried to be nice, but I could tell they weren't really interested in me. Nobody ever is.
I am stupid and fat and a loser and a fucking faggot. And a gay ugly boy need to be hurt by others, hurt by himself. He doesn't deserve better.
So I grabbed my bag with the blades as I went to the bathroom. My wrists were burning of the need to be cut. I think whilst cutting I forgot the time.
Calum knocked again.
I quickly got up and washed my arm, having 10 new reddened scars. Gladly, I had my fave hoodie on, so I rolled down my sleeve and placed my bracelets over my wrist to cover most of it.
Then I unlocked the door. Calum, Michael and Luke were staring at me.
"Umm, everything's okay with me, don't worry.", I said and Michael instantly gave a "As if I would worry about you" back. I got hurt again.
Normally stranger's words don't have an effect on me, but his had and I didn't know why.
"You were in there for a long time. Are you okay, Ash?", Luke asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay.", I whispered.
We heard a loud bell and after that an announcement. "We welcome all new students of our boarding school and also all the other students, I hope you had wonderful summer holidays. In ten minutes, we'll all meet in the big hall, where the teachers will take their students to the class lounge where you'll get to know each other. Please come right on time!"
"We should go", Calum said. We made our way down to the hall, Michael going far behind us. I could feel his eyes burning in my back.
Why was he so hateful?
Five minutes later we arrived in the hall. I watched the others. Sporty boys, probably football players, overdressed girls, nerds and some normal looking people were all standing near to each other, waiting to be called to go to the lounge.
Calum, Luke and I stood next to a group of chatting girls. Michael went to some place in the back.
"Hello everybody! I'm Mrs. Davis, the school's head master. Are you all okay?", she asked. Some students shouted a 'yes' towards her. I liked her, she was very nice and just speaking casually, not formal like how you'd expect a headmaster to be like.
"Okay, so if you are, your teachers will now call your name and you please go here on the stage that everyone sees you and then you'll stand with your class till everybody of your class is called. Let's start with the youngest ones."
After some time one of the teachers for our grade came up. At first he called some brown haired twins with piercings, then Michael, some giggly girls, a nerd boy, after that Luke and then Calum.
"Ashton Irwin", the teacher said. I looked up and turned towards that stage thing. I didn't want to go up there, I hate presenting myself to others. But I made my way on it, stood there for a few seconds and then walked to Calum and Luke.
"Cool that we're all in one class", Calum said smiling.
(A/N: With that I mean that they are going to be together in most lessons and have the same lounging room, you know like Gryffindor in Harry Potter, but with the difference that it's only for 20 people)
After all have been called of our class, we went to the room. I watched the others. We were 10 girls and 10 boys. Some looked very nice but the brown haired twins made me nervous. They looked like Michael, much of a bad boy image and I was a bit scared.
"So here we are, take a chair, we're going to make a chair circle and everybody will tell the others something about himself", our teacher said.
We all nod and and took a seat. I looked around. We had a TV, some couches, tables and chairs, an X-Box, book shelves and a music player. The room looked very comfortable. The teacher asked Luke to start.
"Hey, I'm Luke! I love to play the guitar and sing a lot", He said and smiled. After that it was Calum's turn.
"Hi guys, I'm Calum and love movies, music and puppies." Everybody laughed. He was really cool and just said what he thought even though the twins started whispering about him right away. I heard them calling him gay.
I bet he wasn't cause I watched him flirting with some giggly girls right after he finished talking.
"I'm Jai and that's Luke and we like sports.", one of the twins said. They had very good bodies. Why couldn't I look like them?
"It's your turn", the teacher said nodding to me.
"Umm...I-I'm Ashton and I...I like playing the drums.", I stuttered. Urgh, why did all have to stare at me? I felt really uncomfortable.
After me, some other people introduced themselves.
"Okay, you can go to your rooms now or outside and discover the surroundings.", the teacher finally said.
"Ash, you wanna go outside? Or could you also show me your drumming skills? I'd love to hear it.", Cal asked.
"I don't know I'm not that good.", I said.
"You are! I'll also play guitar then and this dude", Luke pointed to Cal, "he plays bass and guitar."
"Sounds like a deal", I said and smiled.
"Okay let's go, I'm excited.", Calum said and jumped around. He was so crazy which I really liked about him.
We went to the room and Calum and Luke sat down excited. I didn't even know why, I really wasn't good.
But I sat down, grabbed my sticks and started drumming. I drummed away the pain and the depressive thoughts. Literally, I gave everything in that and just calmed down more and more. At some point, I thought I drummed enough, made a final drum roll and dropped the sticks. As I looked up, I saw Cal and Luke sitting there, their mouths wide opened.
"Was it good?", I asked shyly.
"Are you joking? That was the best drumming I've ever heard. Wow it was so amazing", Calum freaked out.
I blushed and started to grin widely.
"T-Thanks Cal.", I said, a bit sweaty from the drumming.
"Now it's my turn, I think", Luke said.
He got his guitar and played a song. It really was amazing and his singing voice was incredible. This boy had so much talent and then there was me the ugly, untalented boy. I mean, I can't even sing.
"Wow. How's that song called? Is it from you?", Calum asked.
"Umm, yes it's called 'Gotta Get Out'. Did you like it?", He asked unsure.
"Yes it was amazing!", Calum said jumping around like a little child. He made me laugh.
"Yeah I think so too! Your voice is awesome!", I complimented him too and he blushed being the shy guy he is.
"So boys, now it's my turn! Let's see what you think!", Calum laughed and started to play a song on his guitar. Also an original.

Within a minute I was all packed up
I've got a ticket to another world
I don't wanna go
I don't wanna go
Suddenly words are hard to speak
When your thoughts are all I see
"Don't ever leave," she said to me

When we both fall asleep, underneath the same sky
To the beat of our hearts at the same time
So close but so far away
(Can you hear me?)

She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was, I wish I was
Beside you
She lies awake
Trying to find the words to say
I wish I was, I wish I was
Beside you

Another day, and I'm somewhere new
I made a promise that I'll come home soon
Bring me back, bring me back to you

When we both wake up underneath the same sun
Time stops, I wish that I could rewind
So close but so far away

She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was, I wish I was
Beside you
She lies awake
Trying to find the words to say
I wish I was, I wish I was
Beside you

There are pieces of us both
Under every city light
And the shining as we fade into the night

She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was, I wish I was

She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was, I wish I was
Beside you
She lies awake
Trying to find the words to say
I wish I was, I wish I was
Beside you

Beside you
Beside you
Beside you

She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was, I wish I was

I was overwhelmed. These two boys were the most talented musicians I've ever met...

So here you have Chapter 2! I hope you liked it, please comment on everything you want to! I love all your comments. Oh and it'd also be nice if you could vote and share!! And you can also follow me, I always follow back!
I'm very sorry to let Ash think like this in here, I wanna go and cry and sob in a corner when I only imagine him thinking like that, but it's part of the story. Ash is my sunshine and I love him so much.
It'd break my heart if he ever cut himself in real life.

Hold me tight (Cake and Mashton) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now