Chapter 52 // Official

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Going back, it was all I could think about. I sat on the side, this time, and stared out of the window. I didn't speak, I didn't want to. How was I supposed to feel now? "Y/N, you alright?" She asked. I swallowed hard, not looking over, and nodded. "Are you sure?" Negan wanted to confirm. I nodded again, and moved my head more, so I couldn't see them in the corner of my eye.

As soon as we got to the Sanctuary, I sat in the Cafe for a while. 'This whole time...' I thought to myself. I wondered if she knew. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, so I looked back. "Come on, let's talk," Negan told me, gesturing to our room. I nodded slowly, got up and left with him.

On the way to our room, I thought about how she must've felt. Especially if she remembered, then me seeing that mirror? That really would have hurt...

We walked in, and he shut the door behind us. I sat on one of the chairs. He came over and sat on one backwards. "Okay doll, talk to me. What's wrong?" He crossed his arms on the top of the chair, as his shoulders hugged his neck.  He looked at me, waiting for an answer. Rubbing my face, I sighed.

"Earlier, as soon as you took Hecate," I started, "me and Jesus were talking" "right..." "Remember how I told you I lost our... first?" He nodded, "Well, I had completely forgotten, but me and Jesus went to an orphanage. I was longing to have a child after that..." Negans brows furrowed, nodding. "It was her orphanage." His eyebrows slowly raised, face in slight shock. I rubbed my forehead and carried on, "...Yeah, this was Hecate. But, as soon as all the papers were ready for signing, I got was told I was accepted into the military... this also meant the adoption couldn't go through, because I wouldn't be there to look after her" I took a sharp, deep breath in, "Remember that mirror? The one she let me use a couple of days ago? Well, turns out, that was the mirror I gave her. So that when I was back, I could go back and do it all properly. By the time I was back. This world had gone to shit. So really, it went so fast, I must have forgotten about it"

"Ho-ly shit" He blinked for a while, pulled down the sides of his face with his thumb and index finger. "So, she was this close to being your daughter?" I nodded. "And now she's here?" I nodded again, looking down to my fidgeting fingers. He turned his head to the side, in thought. "Let's do it now then"

"What..?" I muttered. "Let's... adopt her now. I mean, you still want a kid right? If you were going to adopt her then, let's just do it now. As long as she's alright with it, of course" I jerked my head back, staring almost in shock. "And you're alright with it?" He nodded, smiling to the side, "We actually have a lot in common, surprisingly, and It'd be cool to have a little badass daughter"

After thinking for a second, I smiled and nodded. "Do you know where she is now?" I asked. "I think she's in her room, actually" "Let's go-" "Me too?" He asked. "Of course"

We headed over to Hecate's room, then knocked on her door. She opened it up and looked at us both - eyes squinted. "What?" We smiled, "Can we come in?" She moved to the side and we walked inside. "What's going on?" She asked as she shut the door behind us.

"We need to talk," I told her. She looked at Negan immediately, and nodded once with furrowed brows. Using it as some sort of secret communication method, "I'm letting Y/N do all the talking today," He held his hands up, "Sorry" She pouted, "Fine"

We all sat down together. I took a deep breath in and started, "You remember me from before, don't you?" Shock. It was all her face read. She slumped in her chair and looked at her knees. "You never came back" Her words stabbed through me - leaving, temporary, wounds. "I, pretty much, came as soon as the world went to shit..." I sighed, "It hurt you when I didn't remember?" She nodded, "I didn't tell you because it wouldn't have been right"

After talking things through - realising she didn't say anything want to mess me up, we were settled. "But-" I started. "But?" "How would you feel about being our daughter now?"

Hecate's POV

The world paused, shuddering before it did. The very top of my cheeks and eyes pricked. Air stuck in my throat. I couldn't move, I was stiff. My mouth moved, but no words were able to escape. I felt everything crash down onto me.

This whole time I hoped to hear her ask me it. But now it's here, I can't speak. I stared at her, blinking violently. I looked at Negan, and he smiled at me. I roughly rubbed my eyes and cheeks, while nodding. "It would be epic," I clenched my jaw, smiling. I got up and ran into Y/N, hugging her tightly.


A warm smile came over my face, and I hugged back. "Hey- don't forget me," Negan chuckled, and wrapped his arms around us both. While her face was tucked deeply between us. I looked up to him, and he smiled widely - showing his teeth.

I mouthed a thanks, for suggesting it, but he shook his head. He pecked my lips, gave us both one big last squeeze and we all let go.

"But, can I ask?" We looked to Hecate, listening. She pointed to Negan, "If you said you guys were basically fucking at my age, where were you then?" We paused and looked at eachother. "Um..."

Time Skip

"And, well, now we're here," He finished.

I was unsure about telling Hecate everything. But, it's probably best for her to know anyway. After all, now she's our daughter.

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