Chapter 64 // Left Behind

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Chin resting on his chest, I looked up to Negan and held onto him, just above his hips. My wide grin made him smile as he looked back down to me, his forearms loosely resting on my shoulders.

"What?" He muttered lightly between his teeth, still smiling. "You know what..." I whispered, my grin getting cheeky. Raising a brow, he responded with, "Do I?" Biting on my lip, I smiled innocently and nodded. Humming, he told me wasn't so sure. As I looked at him pleadingly, he gave in. But just as he did, our door swung open.

There was a pause, we both froze after looking over to the door. "Um- no time for sex, let's go!" Hecate said, immediately leaving then shutting the door, clearly awkward again. I huffed, and put my forehead to his chest, "No..." He chuckled, "I can make this quick, don't worry" He walked away to the door. But, instead of leaving the room, he locked the door and came back to me.

He moved me up against the wall, making me face it. His hands going to my trousers, he unbuttoned and unzipped them then slipped his hand through. My toes curled as short, but sharp, gasp came from my mouth. Splaying my hands against the wall, he used his free hand to hold onto one side of my hips.

Time Skip

As soon as I felt I had recovered enough from his, surprisingly too fast, but good, fingers, I got up off the bed that I was just panting on. I swallowed hard, taking one big breath and walked out of the door that he did a while ago.

As much as I wished that he was still here, he wasn't, and I had to go pay Sasha a visit. My favourite person ever. Walking down the stairs, I wondered about how much of a mess she was in now.

Thanking the man on duty, I strolled over to her cell and unlocked the door. "Sasha... hi," I curled one corner of my lips upwards and bend down on my feet in her cell - blocking the door. After her eyes adjusted to the light, she grunted, "What?" "You are rude as fuck. I only said 'hi'," I tilted my head a bit. She didn't reply, only stared at me, almost as if she were a kid trying to scare me. I scoffed in amusement.

"How have your meals been? You know, since they're the best around - for you," I asked, clearly stabbing her with sarcasm. Sasha took a deep breath out of her nose and tensed her jaw. "What? Do you want me to hold a red cape and say 'olé'? Bitch, I'm talking to you like a human. Or do you want to be treated like a dog too?" I snapped. "Human? You?" She laughed once, "you're funny Y/N"

I stood up, taking one step back. "If that's how you'll act, then that's how I'll treat you," I paused for only a second and kicked sideways to her jaw, making her body move with her head. "Fuck!" She managed to breathe out. "Have fun with that." I walked out of her cell door, and locked it.

On my way back out, I rolled my eyes, "Bitch." I handed the keys to the guard and left the cells.

Deciding to go and check things out, outside, I decided to get a jumper - since it looked a bit cold. As I was going to go up the stairs, I saw Simon coming down.

I squinted at him, slightly. Remembering Jenni, I scoffed on the inside as he looked to me and smiled. "Shouldn't you be in the meeting?" I asked him, as soon as he got to the bottom of the stairs. "Been told to check things out," He replied, "Now, why don't you ever come along? You have as much as a right to be there as Negan. Plus, Hecate comes along too" His words didn't settle with me. "It's not my type of thing, but maybe I will next time," I told him. "Well, let's hope you do ma'am," He nodded once to me, then left.

Furrowing my brows, I watched him leave. 'Ma'am,' I thought. It was still hard to get used to that, but I shrugged it off. I leaned against the handrailings for the stairs. One thing to another, my thoughts managed to get from Simon, to 'Ana. It felt although I hadn't spoken to her for a while. Last time being that situation with Hecate.

Instead of checking things out, outside, since Simon was going to anyway, I decided to go check in with Alana - see how she was doing. Ditching my original plan, I walked away from the stairs and over to the doctors area.

"Hey," I greeted the back of her as I walked into her room. Turning, she smiled awkwardly and said 'hi' back. "How've you been?" I asked, "It's been a while" Agreeing, she told me, "Um- alright. You?" I shrugged, "Are you sure? Have you been able to speak to her yet?"

Scrunching up her lips, her eyes trailed to the floor as she shook her head. "Why not?" I asked. "Well, timing, I guess? And plus, I don't think she'll want to. I saw her around the other day, you know," I hummed. "I thought she was smiling to me, but when I finally smiled back, she turned her head. She didn't even notice that I was there," Her voice broke, "I can't even apologise to her"

Alana seemed so torn over this, I felt so bad for her. But... at the same time, it was her fault, technically. "Try and find time, maybe next time you see her, yell her name so you can both speak," I told her. "I wish I could," She started, "But, I think she's completely forgotten about me now" "I doubt it-" "But don't you think that's better? At least she won't be reminded of what I did," She looked up to me. Tears almost rolling over the edge of her bottom eye lids, brows furrowed in utter sadness and her cheeks red. Probably from the thought of what she did, and all that embarrassment she caused. She was probably embarrassed to even look at Hecate.

She was really dealing with something. If it were me, it would be as if I kissed Negan and he ran away. That sudden shock, hurt and regret that would swirl up inside of my chest. Then, I would have to watch him leave out of arms reach. Not being able to apologise, speak, let alone have him as my own. I really felt for 'Ana.

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