Chapter 84 // A Few Issues

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Hecate's POV

It felt like everything inside me was coming out, including my organs. I threw up badly into the toilet, again, I couldn't breathe for a while at a time when it happened. Tears gushed out of my eyes, falling at lightening speed down my cheeks. My body was tensed as my head hung over the toilet.

It was a first for me. Never, ever, had I been so sick to throw up this badly. I sat on my feet, looking away from the toilet and to the floor. I stared at the tiles as I panted out, finally getting more air. I blinked to get the rest of the tears out of my eyes and away, so I could see better.


I laughed, as I got the keys off the guard, "Trust me" I unlocked her cell door and opened it. "Sasha, you need to choose what you want to fucking do," I started firm, "I don't want you locked up in here like an animal, why not become one of saviours?" As her eyes adjusted, a hand hooked onto my hip and she started at me with hard eyes. "Go to hell-" "Or- we kill you," I added, interrupting her.

She fell silent, her face softening from sudden shock. "You wouldn't dare," She growled. I pulled out a pistol and aimed for her head, "Try me. I wouldn't mind blowing your brains out onto this wall. All it will be is messy, when we try and take you back to the Hilltop and that's fine" She stared at me, in the eyes, as of to find some other secret answer hidden behind them.

"Do it," She told me. "Oh hell, really?" I said. "Wha-" Was all that managed to escape her lips before- Bang. Point blank, straight through her forehead, dead. Her head was pushed up against the wall from it.

"You actually did it," Dwight nodded, "Well, maybe next time you tell me to trust you, I will" I laughed, and nodded, "Good idea" While we were leaving, I told the guard that some men were going to come through to clean up some mess in Sasha's cell and that the door was opened. He nodded then me and Dwight left to get clean up. "Clean up in one of the cells," I told them, and they quickly left.

"Don't you have to go on guard on the gates soon?" I asked. He nodded, but just before he could speak, someone came rushing over. "Ma'am! We have a problem!" They said. I looked at Dwight, and tilted my head towards him, "I guess it'll have to wait" I told her to take us there, and without a word she did.

"Hey!" I yelled out, seeing a small crowd of people surrounding something. They all turned back, immediately clearing a way to the situation. My eyebrows furrowed as I saw two men getting up, their backs slouched as they stared at eachother. "What the fuck is going on?" I asked, angrily. They both slowly turned to me, since their eyes were pinned to eachother in an animalistic rage. When I saw who it was, I turned to Dwight and tilted my head to the people. "Okay, everyone, back to work!" He announced, "Nothing more for you guys to see here!" Slowly everyone left, taking their pathetic mutters with them.

"Scott?!" I whispered angrily, but loud enough for us to hear. I looked past the other person, to see whether Sam was walking away. "Sam!" I yelled out to him, he turned and I gestured for him to come back. When he did, I stared hard at Scott and this other person, while I asked him, "Sam, what happened here?"

He hesitated, "Scott... he got angry, starting fighting John" For a second, I choked at the name. Another John, making trouble, what are the odds? "Why?" I questioned, my eyes shifting to him for a second. "Because he thought that John was trying something- with me," He added. My teeth gritted, as I yelled to Scott, "So, you cause a fucking scene?"

He grunted in annoyance, and asked me, "Well, wouldn't you?" "Excuse me-?" I barely managed to say, before he started speaking again. "If you knew someone was trying something with Negan, wouldn't you end up making a scene?! I mean, come on!" He tried to explain. My heart shuddered behind closed cages. "Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't, but if I did, it wouldn't be like this!" I told him.

I turned to John, not letting Scott reply, "And you listen, John, you're in no position to mess them up" He smirked, "If that's what I have to do, then it's what I'll do-" "John?" Sam muttered, walking closer to him. My eyes widened, my lungs stopped. My eyes shot to Scott, his face fell, broke and dropped. But, just as his shoulders were going to fall too, Smack.

Sam knocked out John, onto the floor, with his fist. As Scott's lips curled up, Sam walked over the body and hugged him. I relaxed and told Dwight to get some men to take John to his room. As much as what he was doing disgusted me, it probably wasn't best to waste cell room with his worthless ass.

Hecate's POV

"Hecate..." He muttered deeply to me, his hand running down my face. I slapped it away, "Get the fuck off of me" "You never used to say that to me," He grinned, "Back at the orphanage" "You're sick, Ralph," I said, moving away from the wall and walking away. My teeth clenched as I pulled my stomach in and it swirled in sickness.

"Oh, please, you know you liked it," He lied. I rolled my eyes, as his footsteps followed me. "They were great times..." He added. I moved my fringe a bit, "Yeah, sure, because you're a fucking great guy to be around" His hand landed on my shoulder, then ran down my arm. I moved to the side and turned, my fist colliding with his nose, "I told you to get the fuck off of me, Ralph!"

He had his hands to his face. He bent over, slowly, knee by knee, falling onto the floor. When he held his hands back a bit, he looked at the blood in his hands, "Fuck, Hecate!" His eyes were wide at me. He rushed to his feet, and held up a hand, suddenly stopping himself as I didn't flinch. "Fuck you!" He said, "Maybe that hot ass doctor lady can help me - Alana?" He then turned and left.

Although I didn't react to his face, as soon as I turned my hand covered my mouth and my brows furrowed in worry. 'I need help...' I thought.

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